The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Remember the Pro-Pedophile Movement That Liberals Pretend Doesn’t Exist?

Considering how often we’re told that there is no such movement, the ongoing effort to legalize sex with kids sure keeps busy: The [British] prime minister has rejected a call from a leading expert on public health to lower the age of consent to 15. Faculty of Public Health president Prof John Ashton said society […]

Relentless Perversity: #FreeKate Freaks Attempt to Silence Courageous Critics

The #FreeKate fascists don't want anyone to notice their campaign to silence @Jeanette_Runyon #tgdn — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 9, 2013 Evil never sleeps. Evil is active, shameless and persistent. The assault on virtue and truth continues every minute of every day, and anyone who fails to speak out against evil is thereby an […]

Bad Causes Attract Bad People: @MRC_43 and Other #FreeKate Freaks

@MRC_43 Rachel, do you understand that your continued harassment of @Jeanette_Runyon is newsworthy? @KKirberger — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 23, 2013 Nearly three weeks after Florida sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt accepted a plea bargain for her crimes against a 14-year-old girl, most people have moved on and forgotten about the shabby scam whereby Hunt […]

You’re Not Angry Enough

Just found 2 provably false statements about me on a single page of Kimberlin's federal complaint. Ain't saying which page. Fuck you, Brett. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 17, 2013 Today, I woke up and read the 47-page compendium of lies in the federal lawsuit I call Kimberlin v. Everybody, and I was angry. […]

Cultural Marxism and the (Very Real) Movement to Normalize Pedophilia

“Childlike innocence is an invention of the bourgeoisie of early capitalism.” — Olaf Stüben, German pedophile activist, 1981 Anyone who has followed the arguments surrounding the case of Florida sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt knows how her supporters in the so-called “Free Kate” movement have justified Hunt’s crimes against a 14-year-old girl. You are a bigoted […]

Pro-Pedophile Progressives?

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. But this isn’t about that. Matt Barber is describing another dangerous progressive cause: So much for the left’s “consenting adults” rhetoric on sex. Forever the consummate conservationists, our self-described “progressive” friends at the ACLU, MSNBC and elsewhere have been ramping-up efforts to downsize from “consenting adults” to merely “consenting” […]

Busy Day on the Kook Beat

When you specialize in writing about criminals, perverts, weirdos and kooks, sometimes it’s hard to keep them all sorted out. My Twitter timeline and e-mail inbox fill up with tips, from all over. Here’s the World’s Most Famous Sex Offender Kaitlyn Hunt talking about the nude photos and masturbation video she sent her underage victim: […]

Dueling Meltdowns: Bill Schmalfeldt and #FreeKate’s Disgusting Supporters

Today, two different Bill Schmalfeldt accounts got banned from Twitter — he still doesn’t understand why being a “Team Kimberlin” member is a losing proposition — and while that was happening, there was news on the Kaitlyn Hunt story. First, Matt Philbin of the Culture and Media Institute examined ABC’s 20/20 segment: [Matt] Gutman’s report […]

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