The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Woke Up This Morning

— compiled by Wombat-socho ‘Isolated Incident’ in D.C. Today UPDATE: Connecticut Woman ‘Had a History of Mental Health Issues’ The Lonely Conservative Lowering The Boom The DaleyGator Batshit Crazy News Bits Blog Lowering The Boom EBL Rule 5 Sunday: Stardancer Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Regular Right Guy Animal Magnetism 90 Miles From Tyranny Proof Positive EBL […]

When ‘Balanced’ Journalism Is Bad

As what point does journalistic objectivity shade into the “who are we to judge” posture of moral relativism? Do journalists have an obligation to call evil by its right name? These questions crossed my mind as I watched an ABC  Good Morning America segment about Kaitlyn Hunt, who copped a plea Thursday on felony charges […]

Bad Causes Attract Bad People: Now That the ‘Free Kate’ Narrative Has Collapsed …

Accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt was sent to jail after an August hearing. “A few days from now, Jim and Laurie Smith of [REDACTED], Vero Beach, FL, are going to be murdered by Lycere Freemartin Cunningham for their involvement in the Kaitlyn Hunt case. Mr. Cunningham has learned that Mr. Smith has caused new charges […]

Troll Patrol

@tastymonkey The crazies are always out there, like insects at night. I'm the bug zapper on the front porch. They're drawn to the light. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 15, 2013 Weird things happen when you make a hobby of writing about crazy people. Matt Ross at Conservative Hideout is now being harassed by […]

FMJRA 2.0: Caffeine Zombie

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Tied To You Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Animal Magnetism Regular Right Guy The DaleyGator Proof Positive 90 Miles From Tyranny EBL EBL @Alyssa_Milano Releases Sex Tape as ‘Social Statement’ (Alex Jones Is Nuts) Lowering The Boom The Pirate’s Cove The DaleyGator Da Tech Guy Lee Hernly Da Tech Guy […]

The Non-Existent Moral Code of Atheism

If there is no God, there is only Science and, as everyone who has studied the “climate change” phenomenon is aware, Science involves a self-selecting cabal of credentialed insiders empowered to dismiss criticism from anyone who does not concur in the sacred consensus. So child molestation is harmless — the Science is settled! Richard Dawkins, […]

Rachel Carson-Zerbe Publishes Her #FreeKate ‘Jailbait Manifesto’

That’s what Matt Ross at Conservative Hideout calls it, anyway, and it’s pretty scary stuff. Rachel Carson-Zerbe has been one of the most obsessed supporters of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt, and keeps harping on the “but they’re in love” argument and pretending to know what’s best for the underage girl in the case, as […]

Kentucky Atheist Teacher @ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?

The statutory age of consent in Kentucky is 16, the same as in Florida, where accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt is in jail awaiting trial for her lesbian affair with a 14-year-old girl. The “Free Kate” online crusade that Hunt’s parents started in May argues that Hunt, who was an 18-year-old high school senior at […]

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