The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Once More Into The Tax Mines

— compiled by Wombat-socho ‘Pajama Boy’ as Rorshach Inkblot Dead Citizens Rights Society Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Alessandra’s Reflections Edge Of The Sandbox Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Rick’s Rants EBL Rule 5 Sunday: On Presuming To Be Modern Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Regular Right Guy Ninety Miles From Tyranny Proof Positive Rick’s Rants EBL Gay Student Charged With […]

Prediction: 2014 Will Be Even Crazier

The spiraling descent into insanity continues: Egyptian Astrologer Warns: In 2014, Saturn Enters Sagittarius, Making Jews Stronger You’re not really paranoid unless you fear your scapegoat — on whom you blame all your problems — is becoming more powerful. This is why Media Matters and Think Progress and MSNBC exist, to play upon the fears […]

Cravers of Boy-Flesh: Yet Another Sad Example of a Disturbing Trend

Elizabeth Aponte: She likes ’em young, allegedly. Once you start covering stories like this, people keep sending you tips. Having just recently reported the latest development in the case of Michigan teacher Neal Erickson, this one arrived via e-mail: A 28-year-old woman charged with having sex with a 13-year-old boy in Allentown must face trial […]

Let the Paul Walker Death Crash Conspiracy Theories Begin!

Was Paul Walker's deadly crash caused by drag racing? Mechanical failure? Theories piling up — Jalopnik (@Jalopnik) December 2, 2013 Basically, all celebrity news is on hold until further notice, because the actor famous for starring in movies about high-speed street racing got killed while — wait for it — high-speed street racing. I […]

FMJRA 2.0: Riding With The King

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Crisis of the Obama Cult The DaleyGator The DaleyGator Da Tech Guy Batshit Crazy News Dead Citizens Rights Society Preppers Universe Regular Right Guy Weird NY Times Column: Not Supporting ObamaCare Is Slavery or Something The DaleyGator Lonely Conservative Preppers Universe Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots A View From The […]

Happy #FreeKate Thanksgiving: Lesbian Cheerleader Spends Holiday in Jail

Of the many strange stories I’ve covered in my 27-year career, none of them — not even the 2012 Iowa GOP caucus campaign — was quite as bizarre as the Kaitlyn Hunt story, which originally struck me as sort of a joke: “You deviant weirdos thought Jailbait Lesbian School Girls was just a popular DVD title, but […]

What #FreeKate and Brett Kimberlin Have in Common (Besides the Obvious)

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 “It is very easy to decide ‘this isn’t any of my trouble’ and permit vicious behavior. “Who wants to get involved? Easier, and surely safer, just to duck one’s head and hide, and hope the danger visits someone else. . . . “And why […]

New Documents Expose More #FreeKate Lies, Also: ‘Her Issues With Her Dad’?

Featured on the Today show, May 23 BOOM: Accusations that Florida sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt was prosecuted because of anti-gay bias by the parents of her underage partner were denied by officials at the school that both girls attended, according to documents obtained from the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office. In fact, Hunt’s mother — […]

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