The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Death by SWATting: A Former Target’s Thoughts About a Deadly ‘Prank’

Tyler Barriss was arrested for a deadly SWATting incident this week. SWATting is attempted murder. In 2013, I was the target of a SWATting, which is a type of hoax in which someone (usually using online services that can mimic a telephone number) calls 911 to make a false report of a violent crime at […]

FMJRA 2.0: Late Night With Crazy Horse Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Inauguration Celebration Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL The #WomensMarch: Why Trump Won A View From The Beach EBL FMJRA 2.0: Somersault The Pirate’s Cove A View From The Beach EBL Victim Shot in Seattle Anti-Trump Riot Reportedly in Critical […]

FMJRA 2.0: Function Creep

— compiled by Wombat-socho How Bill Schmalfeldt (@Leonidas_BU) Implicated Himself in Online Fraud Thinking Man’s Zombie The Lonely Conservative Billy Sez The Artisan Craft Blog Regular Right Guy Proof Positive Batshit Crazy News Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Tax Loopholes Edition Animal Magnetism Regular Right Guy Ninety Miles from Tyranny Proof Positive A View […]

Mir Islam, Who SWATted Me in 2013, Has Been Sentenced to Two Years in Prison

  The FBI contacted me earlier this month to tell me that the guy responsible for targeting me in a March 2013 SWATting incident was scheduled for sentencing in federal court, but I couldn’t report anything about it until after the hearing. Because of last week’s Dallas attack, the hearing date Monday slipped my mind, […]

Feminists Win as Australian Man Pleads Guilty in Facebook Harassment Case

  Zane Alchin, 25, may go to prison for making rape jokes on Facebook. The Australian man pleaded guilty Monday to “using a carrier service to menace, harass, or cause offence” in a case that began with a hiphop lyric. It started last August when a 23-year-old Sydney woman, Olivia Melville, signed up for the […]

What #TrigglyPuff Means

  The phenomenon of #TrigglyPuff — Cora Segal, the angry feminist who disrupted an event at the University of Massachusetts this week — deserves extended analysis, and I’ve got a 4,000-word draft in queue, awaiting the final touches. Spending two days analyzing the social significance of this comedic phenomenon was perhaps too much, but that’s […]

In The Mailbox, 08.13.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Why Is Richard Beck Blaming Child Abuse On The Patriarchal Nuclear Family? Thinking Man’s Zombie: Bill Schmalfeldt’s Stolen Valor Michelle Malkin: No Means No – Keep Gitmo Jihadis Out Of America! Twitchy: CLOWN SHOW! Was This Marie Harf’s Reason For The Most Embarrassing White House Iran Deal […]

Feminist Logic: Shut Up, Haters

Did you know @KateSpencer has “self-inflicted body shame”? Yeah, your first thought is probably: Kate Who? But before we answer that question, let’s talk about her body shame: Because I am thirty-three years old [she wrote in 2013], and I am still not comfortable in my own body. I haven’t been since I was eight […]

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