The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Crazy Is Always There

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) Deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt was in court today in Carroll County, Maryland, facing charges of violating the peace order that prohibited him from contacting John Hoge. Reports that Bill would be representing himself in this case inspired much mirth online. It’s strange how, from a […]

The #AreYouBlocked Test: Gamers, Lesbian Feminists, the Pope and Me

If you’re wondering what the #AreYouBlocked hashtag is about, click here to see the League of Gamers “Blocklist Checker” site. What has happened? It’s simple: Crazy people do crazy things. One thing crazy people do is to accuse others of “harassment.” Randi Harper (@Freebsdgirl) decided to make herself the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) queen by creating […]

Why Do They Make It So Easy?

Feminist blogger @joyintorah18 RT’d the above image on Twitter, which was noticed by MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) Mike Buchanan, and someone then called it to my attention. OK, so who is this feminist? Not the naked lady in the picture, I mean @joyintorah18? Joy is a Canadian who runs a site called “Mancheeze,” which she describes […]

Will Brett Kimberlin Ever Learn?

Dave Weigel has finally published his account of the Kimberlin v. Walker trial, and it’s amazing that it ends with this: “These guys are going to come out today and say I’m a pedophile,” said Kimberlin. “And tomorrow, I can file another lawsuit against them. And now I know what I need to do. It’s […]

FMJRA 2.0: Sirius

— compiled by Wombat-socho Toward Anarchy and Oblivion The DaleyGator All Along The Watchtower Our Tyrannical Government Nebraska Energy Observer DKMI Blogg Batshit Crazy News The Lonely Conservative Portrait of a Killer: Elliot Rodger Claimed in Video to Be ‘Supreme Gentleman’ Batshit Crazy News First Street Journal Regular Right Guy Extrano’s Alley The Fog Of […]

FMJRA 2.0: Satisfaction

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Armed Forces Day Edition Animal Magnetism Batshit Crazy News Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive Hillary Lied, Americans Died Batshit Crazy News Regular Right Guy The Camp of the Saints The DaleyGator News Sprocket ‘Superior Male Mathematical Ability’ Bits Blog Political Hat Feminism: […]

A Busy Day at Acme Law

Monkey see, monkey do — after months of cheerleading for Brett Kimberlin’s vexatious lawsuits, now Bill Schmalfeldt announces: Today I have filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the District of Maryland, Northern Division. The defendants are: WJJ Hoge III Robert Stacy McCain Nancy Gilly, aka “LibraryGryffon” Paul H. Lemmen Bettina Haper, aka […]

Lies, Errors, and Tendentious Mischaracterizations of Facts

“Vile Lie-Peddler @Karoli Kuns,” as I have sometimes called her, is one of the members of Team Kimberlin whose harassment of the perjuring bomber’s Enemies List is intermittent, rather than habitual and constant. It has been months since I paid any attention at all to her and, honestly, the whole Kimberlin drama has begun to […]

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