The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘A Particularly Odd Argument’ by the Particularly Odd Bill Schmalfeldt

After Lee Stranahan filed online harassment charges against deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt, the deranged cyberstalker argued: You have the ability to block incoming messages from people you do not wish to hear from. Aaron Walker observes: This is a particularly odd argument for him to make because he has used four different Twitter handles and […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Charged With Deranged Cyberstalking

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” The charge is “electronic harassment” (Md. Code Crim. Law §3-805) according to Aaron Walker. The complainant is Lee Stranahan: For the better part of a year, my family and I have have been under contestant siege from a small group of people who have worked together […]

June 3: Bill Schmalfeldt Begins Cyberstalking Aaron Walker

Bill Schmalfeldt is one of the strange characters in the troll army that has been harassing targets of the Kimberlin-Rauhauser Axis for the past several months. Schmalfeldt recently called attention to himself by cyberstalking me (see, “Pray for Ten Thousand Angels,” Nov. 23), but research shows that he has been at it since June. His […]

The Dishonesty of Bill Schmalfeldt

His initials are B.S., which is about all anyone would need to know about him, if he weren’t obsessively cyberstalking people, including my wife. But he has persisted — sending me more than 200 Twitter messages in a 48-hour period from Friday through Sunday afternoon — and his continuing career of harassment means that you’re […]

Monsters on the Internet: Sociopathic Sadism and Bill Schmalfeldt’s Madness

The Internet as “Cape Fear”: Demented sociopathic troll Bill Schmalfeldt now slinging Bible verses at me. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 4, 2012 BLUE ASH, Ohio In the laundry room of the motel today, a fellow let me borrow his detergent to save me the $1 it would cost to buy detergent from the […]

The Schmalfeldtian Fantasy

After John Hoge asked the Court to enforce its peace order against deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt, the latter decided he had not yet shown sufficient contempt of court, as Hoge explains: He began tweeting to me within an hour-and-a-half of the judge’s ruling on the 16th, and he’s kept it up. . . . So how […]

BREAKING: Maryland Appeals Court Denies Certiorari for Schmalfeldt Appeal

In a long list of cases dismissed without comment we find this news: “Schmalfeldt v. Hoge — Pet. Docket No. 320.” Will update with commentary, and expected rage reaction from the deranged cyberstalker. Two words, Bill: “Res judicata.” UPDATE: John Hoge briefly acknowledges his victory. He has previously noted how Bill Schmalfeldt refers to the […]

Media Publishes SJW Lies About Violent Transgender Psycho’s Public Suicide

BEFORE: John Paul Neumann (left); AFTER: ‘Chloe Sagal’ (right). Just a quick follow-up on the suicide of John Paul Neumann, a/k/a “Chloe Sagal,” who lit himself/“herself” on fire Tuesday in a public park in downtown Portland, Oregon. Recall that Neumann/“Sagal,” a freelance videogame developer, had already wrecked his/“her” personal finances by trying to launch a […]

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