The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Colorado Conservative SWATted After Argument With Bill Schmalfeldt?

First, the news from the Hollywood Reporter: Conservative pundit and author Erik Rush has become the latest victim of “swatting,” a growing trend in which individuals place fake 911 calls drawing police response to a celebrity’s home. Rush, who resides in Fort Collins, Colo., appears to have been targeted following a series of controversial tweets […]

Bill Schmalfeldt, Violentacrez, Barrett Brown and the Scourge of ‘Troll Rights’

“Arrogant sociopathic punks think they can go around threatening people and if you dare say a word back to them, you’re the bad guy.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 4, 2012 Donald Douglas at American Power reminds me of the deranged cyberstalker’s irrational grievance: “Troll rights.” Ah, yes, the “troll rights” movement — scourge of […]

Bill Schmalfeldt’s Very Bad Idea
UPDATE: Maryland Resident Brandishes AR-15, Recently Banned in Maryland UPDATE: Schmalfeldt’s Gun Is a Toy UPDATE: No, Says Schmalfeldt, He’s Actually Armed; Dangerous? Maybe

Bill Schmalfeldt never gets any good ideas, so it takes a particularly bad idea for me even to bother noticing. Remember, Schmalfeldt is the guy who got banned from Daily Kos for his grossly offensive writings about anal sex. Schmalfeldt is habitually dishonest, and one of his most heinous lies involved a vicious attack on […]

You Stay Classy, Bill Schmalfeldt!

Bill Schmalfeldt: Proud to be a ‘Brain-Damaged Troll’ It’s been more than a week since we took notice of Brett Kimberlin fanboy Bill Schmalfeldt, who has been charged in Maryland with Internet harassment of Lee Stranahan. Before examining Schmalfeldt’s latest eruption of obscene idiocy, however, I’d like to treat you to an amusing blast from […]

Bill Schmalfeldt Praises Kimberlin for ‘Social Justice,’ Then Deletes Tweet

Today there was a peace order hearing in Maryland in the matter of Bill Schmalfeldt v. John Hoge, which Aaron Walker describes briefly, with the interesting news that Brett Kimberlin showed up for the hearing. Schmalfeldt gushed on Twitter that the “high point” of his day was meeting Kimberlin: “I don’t care what he did in the past. […]

And Now, Helpless Victim Bill Schmalfeldt Heroically Suffers Glorious Martyrdom

Bill Schmalfeldt: Not cropped to ‘look positively demonic’ “Let’s talk about R.S. McCain, as well — Robert Stacy McCain. Here he writes column after column after column about me, in which he refers to me in the most defamatory ways, about being deranged . . . and he takes that picture of me that was […]

Dishonest Bill Schmalfeldt Got Banned from Daily Kos for Anal Rape ‘Satire’

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” It’s noon, boys and girls, which means that deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt is now podcasting his fathomless rage against Lee Stranahan and other eeeee-vil people who, just coincidentally, happen to be on Brett Kimberlin’s enemies list. Schmalfeldt’s compulsive lying has been previously examined here, but on […]

‘Beware the Ides of March’: Bill Schmalfeldt Threatens Lee Stranahan?

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” “Healthy minds do not delight in plotting evil against others, and wholesome spirits do not endlessly threaten others with harm they intend to inflict.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Nov. 4, “Monsters on the Internet: Sociopathic Sadism and Bill Schmalfeldt’s Madness” Last week, Lee Stranahan filed online […]

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