The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

High School Freak Show: Colorado Girls Claim Harassment by Teen Transsexual

Coming soon to a public school near you. “Who knows whither the ’emerging awareness’ shall henceforth emerge?” — Robert Stacy McCain, The American Spectator, June 26 America’s descent into decadent perversity advances, as high school girls in Florence, Colorado, say they were forced to share the school’s restroom and locker room with a teenage shemale: […]

Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger: HATER! | @wgstweets @blnd_n_dngrus @DBT816 — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) August 31, 2013 Few are willing to admit the truth, namely that our cultural elite have abandoned the truth — but that is putting it too mildly. Our cultural elite, of which the editors of the Washington […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 08.15.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Cairo Quiet After Deadly Crackdown At least 278 dead as security forces clear pro-Morsi protest camps Entire Crew Of Stricken Indian Sub Feared Dead Divers find no signs of life Wikileaker Apologizes For Hurting US “I’m sorry that my actions hurt people. I’m sorry that they hurt the United […]

OMFG: Did Brett Kimberlin’s Buddy Cop a Plea on Child Pornography Charges?

Craig Richard Gillette was detained by bailiffs after Tuesday’s Maryland hearing where Tetyana Kimberlin was granted a protective order against her estranged husband Brett Kimberlin. Gillette has long been associated with Kimberlin’s 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project. It was Gillette who showed up outside this year’s CPAC “Blog Bash” to photograph the bloggers in attendance. […]


ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND Last night I told readers I was going on a road trip to cover a big story — but I didn’t tell you how big it was going to be: Brett Kimberlin, the convicted bomber-turned progressive activist, had sex with his wife when she was only 15, according to charges filed Monday in […]

How Soon Will This Madness Stop? And How Much of a Damn Should I Give?

‘Civil rights’ or lynch-mob mentality? Poster at St. Louis rally Saturday (via Gateway Pundit) “It’s likely that Martin’s death . . . would never have crowded into the national consciousness had it not been for Martin’s family, its lawyers and an enterprising PR man. “A pivotal, if little-known, figure in the Martin story’s development was […]

Some Creepy People Get Arrested, and Speaking of Brett Kimberlin …

. . . John Hoge reports something interesting about how certain Web domains are hosted in the Netherlands: Of course, using an off-shore ISP allows Team Kimberlin to avoid having the actual identity of the person or organization responsible for the domain being identified through a subpoena to the ISP. The Netherlands, huh? That struck […]

Russia Says ‘Nyet’ to Gay Adoptions

Vladimir Putin signed a law yesterday that prevents gay foreigners from adopting Russian children and, in the course of researching a news article about it, I was somewhat surprised: The government says the law aims to protect children from “dictated non-traditional sexual behavior” and cites “psychologists’ research” about stresses it says “are often experienced by children […]

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