The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Evanescent Youth, Predatory Persistence

“Now there is what appears to be a concerted effort to lower, or even obliterate, the age of consent; but I suspect the culprits engaged therein are less interested in long-term relationships — children eventually grow up, after all — than in simply getting their hands into some poor kid’s Garanimals.” — Charles G. Hill, […]

Worst. Cartoon. Vagina. EVER.

Here’s the headline: Cartoon Vagina Fights ‘Cultural Stigma’ of Masturbation And I know your first question: “Is this NSFW?” It’s probably OK, unless you start laughing so hard that Diet Pepsi comes out of your nose and gets all over your computer screen. Your second question: “Stacy, how did you find that weird thing?” Well, […]

Headline Round-Up: Snowden Flees

@richard_mcenroe Leftists vs. David Gregory? Kinda like Hitler vs. Stalin, really. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 23, 2013 Working on some stuff today while coping with a caffeine deficiency, but my first task today was the latest in the Ed Snowden story: Charged by U.S. authorities with espionage, former National Security Agency contractor […]

#FreeKate Lies Unravel; Roman Polanski Could Not Be Reached for Comment

“The first time occurred in the bathroom of the W wing at Sebastian High School. [The 14-year-old] stated that they sent text messages to each other to meet in the bathroom. [The 14-year-old] and Kaitlyn went into a bathroom stall and started kissing. Kaitlyn then took [the 14-yea-old’s] pants off and put her finger inside […]

Rainy Day D.C. Getaway: Did Kimberlin Send a Photo-Stalker to CPAC Blog Bash?

Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison WASHINGTON, D.C. The piped-in music in this taco shop seems to be set to ’80s punk-pop — currently “Rock This Town” by the Stray Cats — which isn’t an ideal working environment. Of course, I’ve filed from enough bars, McDonald’s and airport terminals […]

Jennifer Emick Profiles Neal Rauhauser

(NOTE: When I first began reporting on “The Kimberlin Files” in May, the involvement of Democrat consultant Neal Rauhauser struck me as particularly newsworthy. Rauhauser gained notoriety for his involvement in the 2010 “TwitterGate” episode, and the report that Rauhauser was involved in Brett Kimberlin’s harassment of Aaron Walker indicated a potential link between Kimberlin’s activities […]

The Problem With Sexual ‘Rights’

“Seizing on the triumphant narrative of the black civil-rights movement, liberals adopted the habit of framing political debates in terms of minority ‘rights’ versus majority ‘discrimination.’ . . . To disagree with a liberal, to oppose his latest policy proposal, is to invite comparisons to Bull Connor and Orval Faubus, so long as the liberal […]

Rebecca Traister’s Idiocy: Too Late for National Offend a Feminist Week? UPDATE: She Keeps Losing Arguments With the Voices in Her Head

Instpundit brutally pimp-slaps a Washington Post columnist who evidently doesn’t understand that a succubus, by definition, cannot be “sex-averse.” Alas, National Offend a Feminist Week ends on Mother’s Day, and I didn’t see Rebecca Traister’s column (linked at Althouse) until the annual festival of patriarchal oppression had elapsed. Sigh. If only there were some good […]

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