The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE: 11.25.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS SecDef Hagel Resigns Under Pressure From White House A casualty of political infighting over national security policy, Hagel will remain until his replacement is named Crazy Cousin John: Hagel Faces “Unfair” Sniping On His Way Out Michele Flournoy the front-runner to succeed Hagel? Grand Jury Declines To Indict Officer […]

‘Wacky Conservative Hit Piece About Raging Lesbian Feminist Carmen Rios’

Carmen Rios (@c_rios) is communications coordinator at the Feminist Majority Foundation and also a columnist at the lesbian blog Autostraddle, which has been sarcastically called “Cosmo for Queers.” Ms. Rios’ career as a lesbian activist was the subject of a blog post here Sunday, the latest in my “Sex Trouble” series about radical feminism. This […]

Sex Trouble: Feminists Worry That Disney Movies Are Making Girls Heterosexual

Jasmine was a victim of Aladdin’s magic patriarchal carpet. Is your daughter a victim of male oppression? Blame Aladdin — as well as The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, The Lion King and Toy Story 2. Disney cartoons and other G-rated children’s movies are full of “gendered sexuality,” subjecting women to the male “objectifying gaze,” as “heterosexuality is constructed through hetero-romantic […]

FMJRA 2.1: Technical Ecstasy

— compiled by Wombat-socho Major thanks to Smitty for putting on his Programming Wizard hat and converting what had been a brutal three-hour slog with Excel and HTML into a relatively pleasant experience. LGBT Activist Declares: ‘We Need to Start Making Their Lives a Living Hell’ Inoperable Terran The Political Hat DYSPEPSIA GENERATION Political Rift […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 02.05.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS CBO: Obamacare Will Push 2 Million Workers Out Of The Job Market White House argues reduction in work force is a good thing Turkish Deputy PM: Progress In Talks With Israel Still no agreement on weregild for Turks killed in Mavi Marmara incident Russia Has Had About Enough Of […]

FMJRA 2.0: Waiting For The Superb Owl

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Monday Regular Right Guy Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Animal Magnetism Political Rift Dead Citizens Rights Society Ninety Miles From Tyranny Proof Positive A View From The Beach EBL Rick’s Rants Mass Murderer Also Gay Pedophile? Fire Andrea Mitchell Dead Citizens Rights Society U.S. Constitutional Free Press Gulf Dogs Wolves In […]

Save the Planet, F*** the Children?

Weirdos are their heroes: Environmentalists are rallying to the defense of an anti-fracking activist who has advocated pedophilia and incest after a Pennsylvania court barred her from entering any land owned or leased by a local oil company. . . . “My new heroine is called Vera Scroggins,” one environmental activist declared. “Go Vera!” cheered […]

Lucrative Campus Perversion: Sex Freak Gets Paid to Fist-F**k Student Minds

Dan Savage is one of the most hateful anti-Christian extremists on the planet, and the fact that this filthy degenerate creep was paid $24,000 to speak at a public university ought to be sufficient cause for outrage, even without reference to the sordid details of what Dan Savage actually said to the students, shocking as […]

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