The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


How Caitlin Dewey can be employed as a reporter is astonishing. The Washington Post has no moral or journalistic standards at all, but it’s still hard to believe they published Dewey’s factually challenged, dishonest and completely one-sided smear on #GamerGate: This horrifying and newly trendy online-harassment tactic is ruining careers There are literal textbooks for […]

The New Thought Crime: ‘Adultism’

Adultism “is running amok in America”: Parents know what’s best for their children? At the risk of tossing tons of other scenarios aside, we LGBTQIA+ kids have heard that last one plenty while trying to grow up while out. Parents say we’re not bi. Or queer. Or a boy. Or non-binary. They give us labels […]

The Radical Theology of Feminism

  Augsburg College was once a conservative Christian school, but the salt has lost its savor (Matthew 5:13) and is now good for nothing. Founded in 1869 by Norwegian Luthern immigrants and named for the famous “Augsburg Confession” of 1530, the school was originally a seminary for the training of ministers and for its first […]

What ‘Rape Culture’ Really Means: Your Male Heterosexuality Is Problematic

“[T]he curse of having been born a heterosexual male . . . meant being consumed by desires that one couldn’t act on or even admit without running the risk of becoming an objectifier or a stalker or a harasser or some other creature of the darkness.” — Scott Aaronson, Dec. 14, 2014 The Internet erupted […]

‘Their Own View of How the World Works’

Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq) and Zoe Quinn (@TheQuinnspiracy) testify at the U.N. In his new book SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police, Vox Day summarizes the habits of progressive “social justice warriors”: 1. SJWs always lie. 2. SJWs always double down. 3. SJWs always project. Vox Day’s Third Law of SJWs, the role of […]

The Creepy Freaks of ‘Social Justice’

  Perhaps “Sarah” Nyberg (@srhbutts) thinks I’m stupid. Or perhaps Ms. Nygberg has been fooling people for so long now, Ms. Nyberg thinks that bogus little “victim” act will never fail. At any rate, after I was first suspended from Twitter for a five-month-old tweet about Ms. Nyberg, I had hoped that my response would […]

Feminist Tumblr: Justifying Hatred With Radical Ideology and Also, Witchcraft

Feminism justifies anti-male attitudes by promoting an ideological belief that I call feminism’s Patriarchal Thesis: All women are victims of oppression; All men benefit from women’s oppression; therefore Whatever. Believing that normal human life is a system of injustice in which all women (collectively) are victimized by all men (collectively), feminists can justify anything they say or do […]

Fake #GamerGate Victims

If Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg (@srhbutts) is a feminist, I’m the King of Sweden. What is he/she? Living proof that bad causes attract bad people, and the “Social Justice Warrior” (SJW) crusade against #GamerGate is a very bad cause. As soon as I mention #GamerGate, I know many of my conservative friends will ask, “What is #GamerGate?” […]

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