The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The #StreetHarassment Meme and #Feminism’s Kafkatrapping Tactics

The Left’s tactics aren’t hard to understand, really. The “catcall” video that went viral last week — see “Racism, Classism and Catcalling (or, #Feminism Is for Rich White Lesbians)” — was an Alinksy Rule 12 classic: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Heterosexual men are the target, obviously. Feminists want women […]

The Incoherence of Liberal Feminism

Laurie Penny (@PennyRed) is a trendy young female British writer who, like trendy young women everywhere, calls herself a “feminist,” a habit that annoys the hell out of actual feminists: From: “Catherine Brennan” <> Date: October 20, 2013 7:05:21 PM To: Jason Cowley, Subject: Fwd: Internet bullying Mr. Cowley – I am writing because […]

How ‘Fringe’ Is Radical Feminism?

A few days ago, I happened to notice my Turner Middle School yearbook — the Signal, from 1973, when I was in eighth grade — on one of the bookshelves in my office, and started looking through it. My 11-year-old daughter Reagan became curious, and I began showing her some of the pictures, commenting on which […]

Sex Trouble: Feminism, Mental Illness and the Pathetic Daughters of Misfortune

“The idea that acts of violence can be excused due to a victim’s dress, state of intoxication, location and sexual history is absolutely ridiculous and feeds into a cultural view of sexual assault as not a real crime.” — Liz Sheridan, SlutWalk Chicago organizer, 2014 “Yesterday’s mental illness is today’s social policy.” — Kathy Shaidle, […]

Feminism Repeats Itself, the First Time as Tragedy, the Second Time as Farce

Amy Austin (@amymarieaustin) is a British university student, a lovely blonde soprano, who wrote a blog post about “gender roles” that became something of a viral sensation among feminists. We’ll get to that in a minute, but first let’s acknowledge that Amy Austin has suffered serious misfortune. Her father committed suicide in December. She describes […]

‘Trigger Warning’: How Feminism Promotes Harmful Stereotypes

Is there any stereotype of women more harmful than the idea that women are emotionally delicate creatures incapable of handling stress, prone to hysterical crying at the slightest provocation? And doesn’t the contemporary feminist trope of putting “trigger warnings” on potentially disturbing material tend to justify that stereotype? But we are just too stupid to […]

Slut Walk: Dumbed-Down Feminism and the Politics of Mindless Protest Chic

Today at 11 a.m., angry women — perhaps dozens of them — will gather in Washington for “SlutWalk DC,” a fundamentally pointless exercise in public stupidity that will accomplish nothing except to give the participants a chance to say they’ve done something. Like many other such left-wing protests, SlutWalk DC is basically about political tribalism, […]

Feminism: Wrong From the Start

Betty Friedan (left) leads a 1971 protest supporting the Equal Rights Amendment Instapundit links to a column by Barbara Kay that is premised on a counterfactual revisionist narrative: The feminist revolution began as a necessary reform movement, but unfortunately evolved into a marxism-imbued, revolutionary one. Second-wave feminism’s focus soon shifted from women’s equal rights (which […]

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