The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism’s Radical Transvaluation

Amy Austin (@amymarieaustin) is mentally ill and bisexual, and also a feminist, but I repeat myself. Last year Ms. Austin, a British university student, wrote a rant entitled, “Patriarchy and the Problem of Being Born Female”: Social constructions of gender, like power, stem from patriarchal ideologies . . . Environmentally speaking, gender is independent of sex […]

Feminism: Gender Competition and the War Against Human Nature

Freedom, prosperity and happiness require people to develop and encourage an attitude that can be described in five words: Voluntary cooperation for mutual benefit This is the secret of capitalism, the secret of democracy, and it also the secret to a successful career and family life. Selfish, envious people — those who view life as a zero-sum […]

Exceptions, Rules and Tumblr Feminism

How many data points are necessary to demonstrate a pattern? In the news business, the old joke was, “Three’s a trend,” describing the unfortunately too-common method by which feature writers manufacture “trend” stories from thin air. When the “Sex Trouble” series began way back when, I was extraordinarily conscious of the “arguing by exceptions” trick […]

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It

Emma Sulkowicz lies about rape and Hillary Clinton lies about everything, but feminists insist that no woman ever lies about anything. Feminism is an ideology based on the belief that women have a monopoly on virtue. All women are intelligent, kind and honest, according to feminist theory, and all men are stupid, selfish and untrustworthy. Therefore, […]

Rape Culture Means: Guys, Do Not Have Sex With Jordan Bosiljevac (Updated)

Jordan Bosiljevac is a deeply confused sophomore at Claremont McKenna College (annual tuition $47,395) and, like every other college girl, she’s got an opinion about rape culture: Why Yes Can Mean No It started with “consent is sexy.” But, of course, there was no point in that—it was like saying rape is just bad sex, […]

Teaching Literary Feminism

“Why invite the potential headaches of teaching a lesbian graphic novel in a religious institution?” asks Professor Scott A. Dimowitz in an essay published in an academic anthology this month. “In the course of several iterations of a class on Literary Feminism that I teach at Regis University, a Jesuit school in Denver, Colorado, I […]

Feminism and First-World Problems: ‘Hypervigilance’ as Irrational Phobia

Jessica Valenti wants mentally ill women to know that their mental illness is the fault of the oppressive patriarchy: A study published this month in the journal Sex Roles reveals that some of the sexism women face — from catcalling and sexual harassment to sexual objectification and violence — makes women generally more fearful and […]

Feminism’s Big Lie

“Radical Feminism is, and has always been a political movement focused on liberating girls and women, those who are born into the sex caste female, from the unnatural, yet universal roles patriarchy has assigned.” —, July 26, 2014 “Women who are sane, normal and happy do not become feminists, because such women do not […]

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