The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Soap Operas Are Not Documentaries (and ‘Feminism’ Is a Word With a Definition)

There has been, as Da Tech Tech Guy notes, quite a bit of sex talk lately on the right side of blogosphere. The Kathryn Jean Lopez column that inspired my musings on the Contraceptive Culture leadsĀ Little Miss Attila to many musings of her own, including this: [A]s a former hippie I find the notion of […]

The TrigglyPuff Party: How Democrats Created Insane ‘Social Justice’ Mobs

  Commenting on the irrational female rage unleashed by the Kavanaugh confirmation circus, Stephen Green remarks: “The Democrats have worked hard to lock down the Trigglypuff vote, but at what cost of even slightly more moderate voters?” But do such voters really exist? We are more than 25 years into a cycle of increasing polarization […]

At the Edge of the Abyss

  When you are a professional trafficker in politically incorrect thoughts — which is about the best description of my trade I can come up with — a certain amount of caution is necessary to the craft. It’s a tightrope act, and you’re walking a wire suspended high above a dark abyss. Having seen a […]

‘Gender-Neutral Parenting’ and the Problem of Unintended Consequences

Megan Fox and her ‘gender-neutral’ sons. The actress Megan Fox and her husband, Brian Austin Green, have three sons, but things are a little weird at the Green-Fox household: Growing up in the South, Fox was labeled a tomboy. When her peers were playing dolls, she was playing outside, climbing trees and getting dirty. Being […]

Transgender Totalitarianism

  Jesse Singal is a journalist whose “progressive” credentials were never questioned until he wrote a cover story in The Atlantic about the growing phenomenon of “gender transition” for children. The article begins by focusing on a girl who “desisted” — Claire, who at age 12 began binge-watching YouTube transition videos, became convinced that she […]

Why Don’t ‘Incels’ Go Gay? (And Other Thoughts on ‘Toxic Masculinity’)

  Let me begin kind of a roundabout discussion of several things by starting with this: One of the odd facts about Texas school shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis was that the 17-year-old wore a heart-shaped bisexual pride pin in one of his Facebook photos. What do we know about him? Two years ago, Pagourtzis had played […]

Transgender Supremacy: Understanding the Ideology of a Totalitarian Menace

Clinton James Crawford, a/k/a “Char Vortryss” a/k/a “Char the Butcher.” Nobody actually believes in “equality.” No such thing as “equality” has ever existed in human history, nor is there any policy agenda which could feasibly bring about “equality” in the future. (You could read Thomas Sowell’s The Quest for Cosmic Justice, which has a chapter […]

No, Our Boys Are Not ‘Broken’

  Talk about “toxic masculinity” interests me, because I know very well what that looks like — the domineering behavior of the brittle ego, the obnoxious braggart who feels that every social encounter is a contest in which he must demonstrate his superiority. Nobody likes a bully, and if the critics of “toxic masculinity” were […]

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