The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Putting Homicide in Perspective vs. the Media’s ‘Atrocity Narrative’ Propaganda

  More than 16,000 Americans died by homicide in 2016, according to the FBI, and this was a significant increase from the previous year: The US homicide rate increased by nearly 8% last year, driving an increase of violent crime in the country for the second year in a row, according to new data released […]

Destroy #HeartProgress

“Together we can fight for a better tomorrow. One where pedosexuals, homosexuals, and many other genders can live in a society where they can be themselves and are protected from bigotry, racism, and xenophobia.” — “Heart Progress,” on, Jan. 1, 2017 Tuesday, while I was working on a column for the American Spectator, I […]

Fear and Loathing: CPAC Calls Me, and How Can I Answer the Call?

  MEMO FROM THE NATIONAL AFFAIRS DESK: Cynthia Yockey called last night from the Minneapolis airport, where her flight to Baltimore-Washington International had been rerouted due to weather problems in the Midwest. Blame global warming, and also heteropatriarchy, but why take time to assign blame now, eh? No, right now I’m rattling the tip jar […]

Shapiro Wins Lawsuit in ‘Clock Boy’ Case

Being sued for bogus defamation claims is a subject with which I have personal experience. Good to see a big win for Ben Shapiro: On Thursday afternoon a Texas Judge dismissed a lawsuit filed against Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro by Mohammed Mohammed, the father of “clock boy” Ahmed Mohammed. Claiming defamation, Mohammed filed the […]

Wicked Witches: Marion Zimmer Bradley and the Feminist Pagan Sex Cult

Marion Zimmer Bradley was famous for her Avalon novel series. “Wicca refers to the practice of European paganism popular throughout Europe and North America. . . . Dianic Wicca refers to a more radical women-only practice, named for the Goddess Diana. The novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley have been influential for Dianic Wiccans . . […]

Gay Australian Rugby Player Arrested by FBI, Sought Sex With 6-Year-Old Boy

  The Bingham Cup is a tournament held every two years since 2002 by the International Gay Rugby Association and Board (IGRAB), and today marks the opening ceremonies of this year’s tournament in Nashville. Alas, one Australian player will have to miss the ceremonies: Michael Quinn, an avid rugby union player from Melbourne, embarked on […]

Australian Gay-Marriage Crusader Was Fugitive Wanted on Kiddie Porn Charge

The fugitive Matthew Hynd with his lover Ali Choudhry in 2013. Matthew Hynd, who made headlines in Australia as a supporter of gay marriage, was a fugitive from justice, wanted in the United States on child pornography charges. Hynd was sentenced to more than six years in federal prison earlier this month, after having been […]

Delusions of Persecution: #TrigglyPuff’s Feminist Friend Jennie Chenkin Is Crazy

  When an event last week hosted by College Republicans at the University of Massachusetts was disrupted by a Hampshire College student named Cora Segal (see “What #TrigglyPuff Means”), the point-and-laugh reaction by conservatives was predictable. For more than two years, I have been urging conservatives to begin Taking Feminism Seriously. When I was assigned […]

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