The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Anti-Male Propaganda: Understanding Feminism’s Use of Atrocity Narratives

Left to right: Kelsey Annese, Matthew Hutchinson, Colin Kingston. In the pre-dawn hours of a January morning, Colin Kingston, 24, crept into the home of his ex-girlfriend, Kelsey Annese, 21, and stabbed to death both her and her new boyfriend, Matthew Hutchinson, 24. Kingston then committed suicide. The New York Post reported: Kingston and Annese […]

Feminism: It’s About SCIENCE!

  Sex is about reproductive biology. Human beings are mammals, and any eighth-grader can figure out what that means in terms of sex. Once you understand this scientific definition of sex, everything else is just details. Young people have to figure out how to attract potential partners, how to choose a good partner from among […]

Jian Ghomeshi, Sexual Harassment and the Enchanted Crocodiles of Feminism

  Most Americans have never heard of Jian Ghomeshi, but he’s a celebrity in Canada. Ghomeshi was apparently a serial harasser of women. He was accused of sexual assault, put on trial and acquitted last month. This touched off an endless carnival of pontification by Canadian feminists, who are arguably the most unhinged feminists on […]

The Radical Theology of Feminism

  Augsburg College was once a conservative Christian school, but the salt has lost its savor (Matthew 5:13) and is now good for nothing. Founded in 1869 by Norwegian Luthern immigrants and named for the famous “Augsburg Confession” of 1530, the school was originally a seminary for the training of ministers and for its first […]

Morning-After Death Pills

  Did you know that abortion drugs — Mifeprex or Mifepristone, originally known or RU486, a/k/a “the morning-after pill” — can kill you? Dozens of women have reportedly died as a result of complications from using Mifepristone, but this is a minor “side effect” compared to destroying the lives of some 2 million unborn children, […]

College Campus Cop Tells the Truth About ‘Rape Culture’ and Gets Fired

Saying Things No One Is Allowed to Say in 2015: The campus police chief has been fired at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, in Georgia, after he was quoted in the student newspaper as saying that most sexual assaults are not rape but “women waking up the next morning with a guilt complex.” The chief, Bryan […]

What ‘Rape Culture’ Really Means: Your Male Heterosexuality Is Problematic

“[T]he curse of having been born a heterosexual male . . . meant being consumed by desires that one couldn’t act on or even admit without running the risk of becoming an objectifier or a stalker or a harasser or some other creature of the darkness.” — Scott Aaronson, Dec. 14, 2014 The Internet erupted […]

Feminism as Sadistic Revenge Fantasy

“Radical feminism, by definition, seeks to dis-cover and examine the root of women’s global oppression by men, and the sources of male power.” — “Radfem 101: A Radical Feminist Primer” What is seldom noted in discussions of feminism is the extent to which the movement’s ideology represents a calculated appeal to the resentments of psychological […]

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