The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Radical Feminism and the ‘Equality’ Trap

  Radical lesbian activist @EllenPage decided that @TedCruz needed a lecture from her about equality and discrimination: DES MOINES — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and actress Ellen Page, of “Juno” fame, got into a testy and free-wheeling discussion Friday over gay rights here at the Iowa State Fair. “I’m happy to answer your question but […]

Our Moral Superiors™

  Bailey Poland (@the_author_) reacted rather predictably to my noticing her typical feminist expressions of sadistic cruelty. You see, if you read what a feminist writes, and then express criticism of what she has written, you are “inciting harassment,” because no one can ever be permitted to disagree with a feminist. Once you understand the rules of […]

Feminism, Lesbianism and the Hidden Consequences of Anti-Male Rhetoric

“Women are a degraded and terrorized people. Women are degraded and terrorized by men. … Women’s bodies are possessed by men. … Women are an enslaved population. … Women are an occupied people.” — Andrea Dworkin, 1977 speech at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, in Letters from a War Zone (1993) One of the […]

Notes on Survival Amid the Madness

  We live in an Orwellian dystopia, where the Thought Police constantly monitor our every word for evidence of any tendency we might have to think for ourselves. We are supposed to think only what government school officials teach us to think, and expected to believe whatever the Democrat-controlled entertainment/media industry wants us to believe. […]

Congratulations, ‘Dishonest Fascists’ — #GamerGate Destroys Max Read

“Never underestimate your enemy,” is a maxim of military strategy. Before you decide to go to war on the Internet, first consider the fate of Max Read, who was riding high as editor of Gawker until he decided that insulting #GamerGate was a smart move. He chose poorly. Custer at Little Bighorn, the French at […]

What Feminism Is

“Feminism lies about domestic violence. It lies about rape. It lies about families. It lies about fathers. It lies about little boys. It lies about girls. It lies about women. It lies about history. “Feminism bullies. It bullies women who won’t toe the line. It bullies men who won’t toe the line. It bullies children […]

Is Roy Moore Wrong? And If So, Why?

The Left is having a tantrum over remarks that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore made at a Baptist church Sunday: Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore told a church crowd on Sunday that the U.S. Supreme Court “destroyed the institution of God” by legalizing same-sex marriage. Moore, who made national news when […]

Sorry, @AsheSchow: ‘Due Process’ IS a Left-Right Issue — and Here’s Why

Ashe Schow is a brilliant young journalist, and one of the few reporters who have been steadily covering the attempt by feminists to criminalize heterosexuality on college campuses. The feminist agenda is so insane and extreme, that when I try to explain what is being taught in university Women’s Studies programs — the academic Feminist-Industrial […]

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