The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When Excellence Is Expected

Today is my 56th birthday and I don’t intend to spend it arguing online with a Swedish idiot who popped up on Twitter to declare: “The right has become pro-rape. White boys can’t attract women naturally, have to resort to force to enter the gene pool.” To which I replied: 1. You’re insane. 2. I’m […]

The #AmberRoseSlutWalk: Feminism as Public Celebration of Inchoate Rage

  Before attempting to describe Saturday’s event in Los Angeles — a tawdry carnival of celebrity-driven feminist lunacy — I must first remind you how, when and where the “Slut Walk” movement began. In January 2011, a Toronto police official, Constable Michael Sanguinetti, gave a presentation on the topic of crime prevention at York University, […]

You Had One Job

Jared Rutledge and Jacob Owens. “Our relationship was not based around sex. We went on legitimate dates. I met his friends. We confided in one another. He showed genuine feelings and was vulnerable.” — “April” “I vouched for him, for his character, for his business. I was so upset I had friends on that list.” […]

Democrats and George Stephanopoulos (But I Repeat Myself)

The “revolving door” between the Democrat Party and the liberal media functions as a full-employment program for party operatives, who can collect paychecks from TV networks for doing the same work they would otherwise do for Democrats. Nearly everyone in the major media is a Democrat (e.g., 89% voted for Bill Clinton in 1992) and […]

Objectified by the Male Gaze
UPDATE: Allegedly Heterosexual?

By now, the entire Internet knows Charlotte Proudman (@CRProudman) hates heterosexual men: I find your message offensive. I am on [LinkedIn] for business purposes not to be approached about my physical appearance or to be objectified by sexist men. The eroticisation of women’s physical appearance is a way of exercising power over women. It silences women’s […]

Feminism as Sadistic Revenge Fantasy

“Radical feminism, by definition, seeks to dis-cover and examine the root of women’s global oppression by men, and the sources of male power.” — “Radfem 101: A Radical Feminist Primer” What is seldom noted in discussions of feminism is the extent to which the movement’s ideology represents a calculated appeal to the resentments of psychological […]

‘Hit-It-and-Quit-It on Tinder’

Online dating apps are fueling an “apocalypse” of hook-up culture, Nancy Jo Sales reports in a frightening Vanity Fair feature: [Alex] says that he himself has slept with five different women he met on Tinder — “Tinderellas,” the guys call them — in the last eight days. Dan and Marty, also Alex’s roommates in a […]

War Against Human Nature: Radical Feminism’s Anti-Maternal Rage

(This afternoon, my wife and I will be attending a baby shower for my daughter-in-law, who is eight months pregnant with our second grandson. Because this places constraints on my time, the following discussion will consist of observations and assertions that are not fully supported by quotes or citations. It may therefore seem to some […]

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