The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Curb Your (Sexual) Enthusiasm

In case you haven’t noticed, feminists are (a) trying to increase the number of rape accusations by (b) changing the concept of “consent” in such a way that (c) any unhappiness with a sexual encounter justifies a woman claiming that it was coerced or otherwise less than fully consensual, as part of (d) an obvious […]

Let’s Bring Back Guilt and Shame

“I was twelve when I discovered porn.” So begins “How I Came Out: Part 2 – My Bisexual Awakening” by Kaitlyn, a 22-year-old graduate of Pacific Lutheran University. Please stop laughing long enough to think about this. Remember when “coming out” meant someone was actually, y’know, gay? What’s the point of “coming out” as bisexual? If […]

Dylann Roof: A Ninth-Grade Dropout Who Was Playing Too Many Video Games

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air says, “any argument starting off with ‘We don’t have all the facts’ is one that should probably remain unspoken.” That applies to bloggers as much as it does to the President of the United States, and yet it seems people want to score points off the Charleston massacre, rather than […]

Who Is ‘Tiggy Upland’?

During my explorations of Feminist Tumblr, I stumbled across an online “advice” site called Tiggy Upland. The word “advice” must be put in quotation marks because it’s actually an advocacy site, promoting bisexuality and polyamory (i.e., what used to be called “swinging”). The name “Tiggy Upland” is obviously a pseudonym. At first I suspected the person […]

The Dictatorship of Godless Perverts

@GretaChristina is a middle-aged bisexual feminist cat lady atheist blogger. Wait — no, I have not verified that she and her wife Ingrid Nelson actually own cats, but what are the odds, right? However, there is no need to speculate about Greta Christina’s feminism, her atheism or her role as “co-founder and co-organizer of Godless Perverts.” […]

A Moby in the ‘Manosphere’?

Before getting to the point — the possibility that liberal trolls pretending to be Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) are creating fake “hate” against women — permit me to clarify something: I am both a journalist and a conservative and do not think those two things are contradictory in any way. I was a full-time newspaper […]

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It

Emma Sulkowicz lies about rape and Hillary Clinton lies about everything, but feminists insist that no woman ever lies about anything. Feminism is an ideology based on the belief that women have a monopoly on virtue. All women are intelligent, kind and honest, according to feminist theory, and all men are stupid, selfish and untrustworthy. Therefore, […]

The War Against Human Nature: What Does ‘Unreasonable Pressure’ Mean?

The Sexual Assault Task Force at the University of Kansas has some very strange (and by “very strange” of course I mean, typical feminist) ideas about what “sexual assault” involves: Under “Recommendations for Policy and Process Improvement,” the task force recommends clarifying the definition of “incapacitation” in order to differentiate between “wrongful” and “permissible” conduct. […]

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