The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Death of a ‘Dianic High Priestess’

“Wicca refers to the practice of European paganism popular throughout Europe and North America. . . . Dianic Wicca refers to a more radical women-only practice, named for the Goddess Diana. The novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley have been influential for Dianic Wiccans . . .” — Meredith Miller, “Dianic Wicca,” in Historical Dictionary of […]

Feminism Is Anti-Male Hate Propaganda

  So I was scrolling through feminist blogs on Tumblr when I came across a post that began, “We can all easily agree that throughout history women and men were not equal.” To which I would reply: What do you mean by “equal”? and Nobody lives “throughout history.” Are these points obvious enough, or am […]

The Intellectuals and Feminism: Why Do Fantasies of Sexual ‘Equality’ Persist?

  Men and women are different — biologically, as a matter of science — and the differences between the sexes are socially significant. Feminism seeks to impose a politically constructed regime of “equality” between men and women. This project is essentially destructive, resulting in the loss of social cohesion and an increase of sexual hostility. […]

The Trans Cult and Gender Hypochondria

“Medical students’ disease (also known as second year syndrome or intern’s syndrome) is a condition frequently reported in medical students, who perceive themselves to be experiencing the symptoms of a disease that they are studying.” — Wikipedia Question: Are young people being psychologically damaged by exposure to a cacophony of information about “gender” and sexuality? The […]

What Is ‘Rape Culture’?

“Once you understand what rape is, you will understand the forces that systematically oppress you as women. . . . “What is rape? “Rape is the first model for marriage. . . . “Rape is the primary heterosexual model for sexual relating. “Rape is the primary emblem of romantic love. . . . “Rape is […]

Anti-Marriage and Anti-Motherhood: Feminism’s War Against the Family

  Feminism is the ideology of the Darwinian Dead End. It is a rationalization of human extinction, a philosophy that justifies self-imposed sterility as more personally fulfilling than motherhood. Because feminists hate babies, they advocate abortion, promote contraception, and encourage hatred of men, marriage and heterosexuality, per se. “Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it […]

‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score

  One of the basic problems with feminism is that, by making equality the measure of human happiness, the feminist purchases an infinite supply of resentment. If you convince yourself that everything in the world should be divvied up equally, and that any observable instance of inequality is proof of oppression — social injustice! — […]

Feminism and ‘Strong Delusion’

  One of the things you notice about feminists, if you pay attention, is how many of them lack basic self-awareness. It seems unfair to accuse them of hypocrisy because it seems they cannot perceive the contradictions of their arguments, which are apparent to anyone outside the feminist cult. We often behold in feminism the […]

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