The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lesbian Couple Discover Islamic Culture During Exciting International Trip

  Maria Jimena Rico Montero and her girlfriend Shaza Ismail are alive, and reportedly being detained in Turkey, after the London couple got an unexpected lesson in Islamic culture. Ms. Ismail’s Egyptian-born father was determined to break up his daughter’s lesbian relationship, so he told her that her mother was seriously ill in Dubai. Did […]

Hook-Up Culture: ‘Since I Started Having Sex With Men, Back in, Like, 1997’

“Hookup culture has been alive and kicking since I started having sex with men back in, like, 1997. And I didn’t even have a Hotmail account then.” — Meghan Murphy, Aug. 10, 2015 Did you ever hear of the “Three-Date Rule”? When I was a teenage hoodlum, the cynical view was that if you weren’t, […]

‘This Is Why We Need Feminism’: @RoseMcShane Loves Male Tears

“To destroy systems of injustice. So the most marginalized among us have their voices heard. For the people we love to be able to take up space. To end violence against women — down to the last microaggression. To celebrate difference. For every woman, everyone who experiences intersections of oppression, to be liberated. This is […]

‘Girl Power’ and Honor in Pakistan: The Unsurprising Death of Qandeel Baloch

“I am a social media sensation, I am a fashion icon. . . . I’m a girl power. So many girls tell me I’m a girl power, and yes, I am.” — Qandeel Baloch, July 14, 2016 Fame is a dangerous commodity, and shockingly cheap in the Internet age of DIY social media, where young […]

Feminism and the Cult of the True Self

“The stigma around STDs normally makes people think of cheaters, liars, teenagers who don’t know any better, and other various ‘dirty’ things when they think of sexually transmitted diseases. But there’s a new name circulating in the news lately who’s trying to battle this stigma: Ella Dawson.” — Torii Johnson, April 30, 2015 Once upon […]

Queer Feminism at Marquette University

“To me as a queer activist and young scholar in the early 1990s, the term queer seemed to capture it all — the political urgency of combating heterosexism, my feeling and knowledge that the binaries of gender and sexual orientation were created through forced conformity and repression, the indeterminateness of my own experiences of gender […]

The Queering of Feminism at Vanderbilt

“Heterosexuality . . . is a highly unstable system, subject to various slippages, reliant upon carefully constructed individual performances of identity, and dependent upon the exclusion of homosexuality for its very identity. One could say that queer theory normalizes homosexuality by making heterosexuality deviant. Homosexuality ceases to be the exclusive site of sexual difference.” — […]

‘My Inherent Feminine Wisdom’: Witchcraft and Academic Feminism

“When I was a little girl, I instinctively knew that I was a Witch, without at the time identifying with this special word or know all that it entailed. … Like all children I was closely connected to the magical side of my nature. Later, as an adolescent, I began to realize that this intuitive, […]

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