The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism: Death Cult Chaos

  “Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It” — this is a truth that cannot be repeated often enough as we watch the Democrat-Media Complex mobilize all its resources to elect Hillary Clinton president. Monday night I found myself assailed on Twitter by Clintonistas who resented my characterization of feminism […]

Queering Valentine’s Day

Two years ago, self-proclaimed “Queer Feminist” Sara Alcid complained about the heteronormativity of Valentine’s Day: “Heteronormativity and gender roles also rear their ugly heads on Valentine’s Day. Gifts for ‘him’ or ‘her’ are clearly divided and marked and it’s almost impossible to find cards that represent queer couples. . . . “It’s not hard to […]

Hitler, the ‘Intersectional’ Führer

  Last night I nearly died laughing about the hoax perpetrated by three scholars who tricked academic journals into publishing shoddy nonsense crammed with “social justice” rhetoric and postmodern jargon. Among other things, they re-wrote a 3,000-word section of Mein Kampf and turned it into “Our Struggle Is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional […]

VIDEO: @BenShapiro Destroys University Student’s Bogus Transgender Ideology

Somebody needs to send this video to radical feminists who have been at war with the transgender movement for the past three years. Ben Shapiro dismantled this deviant make-believe nonsense in a matter of minutes:   Shapiro — after arguing with a young woman about how “gender is not disconnected from sex” — decided to […]

The Problem of ‘Racist Facts’

More than a decade ago, the first time some left-wing scumbag tagged me with the “white supremacist” label, I was both insulted and amused. The obvious question — which no liberal ever seems to ask — is this: “What does ‘white supremacist’ mean?” Historically, this term is associated with those who defended Jim Crow segregation […]

Who Democrats Really Are: @joshtpm Displays His, Uh, Feminist Theory

Friday night, while endeavoring to make another attack on Donald Trump, the editor of the left-wing blog Talking Points Memo made a minor mistake. Josh Marshall (@joshtpm on Twitter) evidently cut and pasted the wrong URL into a tweet, so that his message included a link to a lesbian porn scene involving “Angela & Strawberry.” […]

Anti-Semitism Ruins Everything

One of the weird effects of the recent election is how the Left has tried to taint Donald Trump’s supporters as anti-Semites when, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Left deliberately exploited anti-Semitism by portraying Republicans as beholden to “neoconservatives” (nudge, nudge) and “international bankers” (wink, wink). Because most accusations of “anti-Semitism” are […]

#LashEquality: @CoverGirl Promotes Transgender Agenda in Commercials

  Analysts seeking to understand why 62 million Americans voted to elect Donald Trump president might consider how Third Wave feminism — “gender theory” and all that — has alienated every Christian parent in the country (to say nothing of many radical feminists who oppose it). Postmodern academic theory about the social construction of the gender […]

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