The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Queering of Feminism at Vanderbilt

“Heterosexuality . . . is a highly unstable system, subject to various slippages, reliant upon carefully constructed individual performances of identity, and dependent upon the exclusion of homosexuality for its very identity. One could say that queer theory normalizes homosexuality by making heterosexuality deviant. Homosexuality ceases to be the exclusive site of sexual difference.” — […]

The Queering of Feminism and the Silencing of Heterosexual Masculinity

  “Women are an oppressed class. . . . We identify the agents of our oppression as men.” — Redstockings Manifesto, 1969 “We are angry because we are oppressed by male supremacy. We have been f–ked over all our lives by a system which is based on the domination of men over women.” — Ginny […]

The Queering of Feminism: Why Does ‘Equality’ Require Promoting Perversion?

  Boston University’s Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program “fosters interdisciplinary research and teaching related to the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, nationality, and other categories of identity that organize and disorganize our lives.” The director of the program, Associate Professor Carrie Preston, describes her “research and teaching interests include modernist literature, performance, and dance, […]

The Queering of Feminism

A few recent headlines from Let Them Eat Cake: On Being Demisexual — Cara Leibowitz, Feb. 10 5 Ways to Stand Up to Toxic Messages and Accept Yourself as a Bisexual Person — Erin Tatum, Jan. 25 Powerful Photos Fearlessly Redefine What It Means to Be LGBTQIA+ — Sarah Deragon, Jan. 25 How to […]

Feminist @HannahSmothers_ Confirms the Worst Stereotypes of Feminism

Hannah Smothers writes for Cosmopolitan. Never take advice from feminists. How many times do I have to explain this? If a young woman’s goal in life is to become a crazy cat lady, she doesn’t need anyone’s advice to accomplish that goal, and if she wants to be anything else . . . Well, feminism […]

Queer Feminism at Marquette University

“To me as a queer activist and young scholar in the early 1990s, the term queer seemed to capture it all — the political urgency of combating heterosexism, my feeling and knowledge that the binaries of gender and sexual orientation were created through forced conformity and repression, the indeterminateness of my own experiences of gender […]

Jian Ghomeshi, Sexual Harassment and the Enchanted Crocodiles of Feminism

  Most Americans have never heard of Jian Ghomeshi, but he’s a celebrity in Canada. Ghomeshi was apparently a serial harasser of women. He was accused of sexual assault, put on trial and acquitted last month. This touched off an endless carnival of pontification by Canadian feminists, who are arguably the most unhinged feminists on […]

Feminism as Psychological Warfare (Because @FFigureFBust Asked)

While monitoring online feminism, I noticed someone had RT’d @FFigureFBust, posting a cartoon with this feminist “joke”: Man: “You wear too much makeup.” Woman: “You consume too much oxygen.” Man: “It’s just my opinion, you’d look better withou–” Woman: “So would you. Without oxygen.” (pause) Woman: “F–k your opinions.”     This is a variation […]

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