The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Guess What Swarthmore College Will Teach Your Children for $63,550 a Year?

Tuition at Swarthmore College is $49,104, room and board is $14,446, and what does this elite private school teach its students? Queering God: Feminist and Queer Theology The God of the Bible and later Jewish and Christian literature is distinctively masculine, definitely male. Or is He? If we can point out places in traditional writings […]

Some Stereotypes Are True

One of the favorite pastimes of liberals is lecturing the rest of us about how ignorant we are. Every common-sense belief about human nature is a “myth,” liberals say, and any generalization about various human traits and patterns of behaviors is a prejudicial “stereotype.” These accusations of ignorance and prejudice are, in fact, a form […]

However, If It’s True . . .

The editors of the gay publication The Advocate think it’s controversial that Steve Bannon described feminists accurately: Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Stephen Bannon, reportedly referred to students at the Seven Sisters colleges as “dykes” during a 2011 interview. . . . Bannon . . . told Political Vindication Radio that women like Sarah Palin, Ann […]

Teaching Intolerance: How Columbia University Feminists Suppress Dissent

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and nowhere is this more evident than in the youth indoctrination centers known as university campuses. The more elite the university, the more complete control is exercised by the totalitarians. Annual tuition at Columbia University is $55,056, and for that price, parents of […]

FMJRA 2.0: Station To Station

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: J Is For Joan Jett Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View from the Beach EBL@RedState Proof Positive FMJRA 2.0: Aces High The Pirate’s Cove A View from the Beach EBL@RedState MS-13 Gang Terrorizes Town in N.Y. Regular Right Guy EBL@RedState The Big Lie: ‘Rape Culture,’ the […]

‘A Mad Scramble for Victim Status’

  Christina Hoff Sommers is old enough to remember the 1960s, and must be amused by the absurd protests that erupt whenever she appears on university campuses. Back in the day, when students rioted over the Vietnam War and the governor sent in the National Guard, it was a serious thing. Nowadays? Fat white girls […]

Message to All Kids: Don’t Be a Weirdo Like Those Loser Freaks on Tumblr

  Would it be cruel to call attention to “Jakob” the teenage girl who thinks she wants to be a boy? Probably, but “Jakob” is the author of a Tumblr post with more than 100,000 notes entitled, “Message to all parents,” which keeps getting expanded to include all kinds of “messages” that cumulatively amount to […]

Man-Hater @AlannaBennett Promotes #Ghostbusters as Feminist Revenge

  Alanna Bennett is the kind of selfish feminist who attends elite Oberlin College (annual tuition $50,586) and then spends the rest of her life angry because nobody gives her as much pity as she feels she deserves. “As a professional writer, my life now is stuffed with privileges I’ve longed for since I found out they […]

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