The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mystery in #FreeKate Case: What Does Kaitlyn Hunt’s BFF Julia Gilmore Know?

An intriguing detail I reported last week on the Kaitlyn Hunt case: [Assistant state attorney Christopher] Taylor also recounted a May incident in which Hunt violated the no-contract order by communicating with the victim “through a third party, Julia Gilmore.” In May, Gilmore told a local TV station she “has been friends with Hunt for five years” and, […]

#FreeKate? Local Teen Says Kaitlyn Hunt Was ‘Bully … Calling Me an Ugly Dyke’

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Lawyer, Having Failed Her Client, Now Scapegoats the Prosecution

Kaitlyn Hunt: Now she’s where guilty perverts belong. Anyone who watched Tuesday’s hearing in the Kaitlyn Hunt case knows two things: “Free Kate” is guilty as hell, and her lawyer is an idiot. Let’s admit that even a good lawyer would have difficulty representing a client as guilty as Kaitlyn Hunt. Bad cases require bad […]

UPDATE: Kaitlyn Hunt’s Bond Revoked; Evidence ‘Overwhelming,’ Judge Says

Kaitlyn Hunt appears at Tuesday hearing. UPDATE 3:10 p.m. ET: Elliot Jones reports at WPTV-TV: Circuit Court Judge Robert Pegg revoked bond for Kaitlyn Hunt, and she’ll remain jailed until a trial, that’s so far unscheduled. The judge also added a new charge to her court record — transmitting material harmful to a minor by […]

Kaitlyn Hunt Back in Jail

Evidently, her bond has been revoked, or there are new charges, but here’s the booking record from the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office, complete with a new mug shot, and the accused sex offender’s mother says Kaitlyn Hunt turned herself in, blaming the violation of her bond on the victim: @rsmccain #freekate Still blaming the […]

Kaitlyn Hunt: Obsessed Lesbian Predator?

A hearing has been scheduled Tuesday: Accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt will appear in a Florida courtroom Tuesday for a hearing on charges that she violated terms of her pretrial release by contacting the underage girl with whom she is accused of having an illegal lesbian affair. In a motion filed Thursday in Indian River […]

McCain Talks About Kaitlyn Hunt’s Violation and #FreeKate Movement

Robert Stacy McCain appeared today on @Ali’s podcast to discuss Florida prosecutors filing a notice of violation of bond against Kaitlyn Hunt with the court today. Listen to this excerpt of the podcast which captures McCain’s two segments:   Click here to let @RSMcCain and @Ali know that you’ve listened to the cast!

Prosecutors: Kaitlyn Hunt Violated Order, Sent Messages, ‘Lewd’ Photos to Victim UPDATE: Hunt Accused of Sending Masturbation Video to Teenage Victim UPDATE: Lesbian and Victim Had ‘Intimate Contact’ Until Two Weeks Ago

Accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt “violated a pretrial order to have no contact with the victim in her teen-sex case,” the Palm Beach Post reported Thursday, citing a court motion by prosecutors that may end the 19-year-old lesbian’s release on bond. According to the document cited in an article by Elliott Jones of the Post, […]

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