The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Big Gay Pride Day: Is ‘Jailbait Rights’ Now Mainstream?

The Hunt family continued their campaign to make their 18-year-old daughter America’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ by taking her to New York for Sunday’s 44th annual Gay Pride Parade. Because defending Kate’s right to have gay sex with 14-year-olds isn’t all about lawyers and petitions, you know. It’s also about marching in parades and sightseeing in […]

Online Evidence Shows Kaitlyn Hunt Contacted Victim After Sex Arrest

At least twice in May, accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt used her Twitter account to “favorite” messages by the girl she has admitted having sex with when the younger girl was only 14. The “favorites,” which occurred just days before Hunt’s family launched a high-profile “Free Kate” campaign to persuade Florida authorities to end […]

PHOTO: ‘Model Citizen’ Kaitlyn Hunt Helps Sister in 2-on-1 Beach Beatdown

Five days ago, I called attention to the video in which alleged victim of homophobia Kaitlyn Hunt screams at her younger sister: “Beat her f**king ass, Emily! Beat her ass! Get that bitch!” Someone who was present for this incident captured the image above, which shows Kaitlyn — with the telltale bird tattoo on her […]

2004: Kaitlyn Hunt’s Father ‘Pressured a Victim Not to File a Battery Charge’

How did Steven R. Hunt Jr. become an ex-cop? May 21, 2004 — WEST MELBOURNE, Fla. – A police officer involved in a nightclub quarrel resigned after an internal affairs review showed he pressured a victim not to file a battery charge, officials said Thursday. Sgt. Steve Hunt, who joined the West Melbourne Police Department […]

Can You Count All the Rationalizations and Lies Offered by Kaitlyn Hunt’s Mom?

The Kaitlyn Hunt sex crime case was featured on NBC’s ‘Today’ show, May 23 Below, you will find the full text of a 1,500-word appeal by Kelley Hunt Smith, mother of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt. This is the original May 17 Facebook message that started the “Free Kate” firestorm. I’d seen it quoted […]

BREAKING: Kaitlyn Hunt Refuses Plea Offer, Will Face Trial on June 20

Kaitlyn Hunt, the Florida 18-year-old who admitted a sexual affair with a 14-year-old girl, has rejected a plea-bargain offer from prosecutors in Indian River County and will face trial June 20 on charges of lewd and lascivious battery. UPDATE: Hunt’s supporters had mounted an online campaign claiming that she was the victim of homophobic prejudice […]

#FreeKate Mom Kelley Hunt Smith’s Alternative Morality Lecture

If your kid grows up to be a notorious criminal pervert, what do you do? Invent for yourself some alternative system of morality whereby you can praise your child (and congratulate yourself as a parent) while condemning others as “ignorant mean vile people.” So, despite everything, Kelley says she “raised sweet, loving, accepting, kind” children […]

Hunt Family Values: #FreeKate’s Underage Sister ‘Went Out and Drank’?

This March 17 Twitter message sent by Kaitlyn Hunt’s little sister is something that was called to my attention nearly three months ago. At the same time I received a copy of the message in which the sister, 16, boasted about her mother, Kelley Hunt Smith, being a “f–king badass.” As I wrote on May […]

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