The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Probation Page

The World’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ was released from the Indian River County Jail Dec. 20 and will remain part of Florida’s “supervised population” until Oct. 1, 2016. WPTV reported: VERO BEACH, Fla. — Kaitlyn Hunt, the Sebastian-area teenager who was arrested after police said she had a sexual relationship with an underage girl, was […]

Documents Prove Kaitlyn Hunt Lied; Knew Sex With 14-Year-Old Was Illegal

BOOM: Florida sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt, whose case became a cause for many gay rights activists this year, was aware that her affair with a 14-year-old was illegal, documents obtained from the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office show. “Yes, I know I’m 18 and can get in trouble,” Hunt said in an online conversation more […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Father Threatens Violence: ‘F–king Beat Him Till He Can’t Function’

Steven R. Hunt Jr., whose 19-year-old daughter pleaded “no contest” to felony sex crimes today in Florida, erupted in an angry obscenity-strewn screed on Facebook, threatening violence against a person he called “f–king scum” but did not name: “Now whoever likes to associate with all these low live f–ks make sure you pass that f–king […]

Thug Family Values: Kaitlyn Hunt Plea Deal Prompts Bitter Rant by Her Father

Kaitlyn Hunt’s family was featured on the Today show, May 23 The headline at Viral Read: Kaitlyn Hunt Takes Plea Deal in Florida Teen Sex Crime Case Having sex with a 14-year-old is a crime in Florida, and the criminal sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt pleaded “no contest” today in Vero Beach, accepting the deal offered […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Mother on Plea Deal: ‘It’s Not Right, It’s Not Fair and It’s Not Just’

We scarcely need wonder where the criminal pervert gets her lawless irresponsible attitude, eh? Kelley Hunt Smith on Facebook: Tomorrow at 11am Kate will accept the State’s plea offer that was given this week. It’s been a long, painful 8 months but after much prayer and counsel Kate has decided to take the plea offer. […]

Accused Sex Offender Kaitlyn Hunt ‘Expected to Accept’ Plea Deal: CNN

Last night I reported the latest offer from prosecutors, but now CNN adds this important detail in the Kaitlyn Hunt saga: Hunt’s attorney was involved in crafting the deal, Workman said, and Hunt is expected to accept the plea agreement. She had refused at least two other deals. “I believe this is a fair and […]

Kaitlyn Hunt Gets Another Plea Offer

The state’s attorney’s office in Vero Beach, Florida, has offered another plea-bargain deal to accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt: Special conditions in the plea include: *Hunt remains jailed until December 20, and on that date, probation will convert to community control. *She shall have no contact directly or indirectly, including electronically or through third parties, […]

Latest #FreeKate Update: Kaitlyn Hunt Being Bullied in Jail? ‘She Is Just a Kid’!

Kaitlyn Hunt has been reminded why they call it ‘jailbait’ You may recall that three weeks ago, Kaitlyn Hunt’s mother was shocked that her Precious Little Pervert was in a real jail with real criminals. Tuesday night, Kelley Hunt Smith posted on Facebook: She’s been having some trouble with a few inmates bullying her, but […]

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