The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Did @Nian_Hu ‘Friend-Zone’ You? #FreeStacy: Feminism Is a Death Cult

  Perhaps you remember Harvard feminist Nian Hu, the Harvard student who declared: “I am a feminist. I believe in the equality of the sexes. For me, feminism means freedom,” and that among these freedoms was “freedom to have as many sexual partners as I want without being looked down on.” This inspired me to write […]

Feminism: Death Cult Chaos

  “Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It” — this is a truth that cannot be repeated often enough as we watch the Democrat-Media Complex mobilize all its resources to elect Hillary Clinton president. Monday night I found myself assailed on Twitter by Clintonistas who resented my characterization of feminism […]

McCain’s Law of Feminism and the Memoir of Phyllis Chesler

One thing I’ve said is that are three kinds of feminism: Feminism that is wrong; Feminism that is crazy; and Feminism that is both wrong and crazy. This is McCain’s Law of Feminism. Unlike some other conservatives, e.g., Christina Hoff Sommers, I cede nothing to feminism in terms of its claims to have made “progress” […]

Radical Feminist Exposes #TransCult

It is difficult to exaggerate how radical Natasha Chart’s feminism is. She is chairwoman of the board of Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), an organization that originated in Deep Green Resistance, which is just about as far left as you can go (without moving to Pyongyang). It is therefore highly significant that Chart has joined the […]

Feminism and the Darwinian Dead End

“I don’t want a baby. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . .This is why, if my birth control fails, I am totally having an abortion.” — Amanda Marcotte, March 14, 2014 “The United States is in the midst of what some worry is a baby crisis. The number of […]

Feminism’s African Abortion Agenda

  If any white man were to say, “Women in Nigeria are having too many babies,” he could expect to be accused of racism. On the other hand, if you were to express concern that the high fertility rate in Nigeria (5.5 lifetime births per woman) is a major obstacle to “sustainable development,” you could […]

The Anti-Male Feminism of @abzdafab: Negating the Opinions of Fathers

  Men who believe in the inferiority of women are called “sexists.” Women who believe in the inferiority of men are called “feminists.” Abigail Shirley (@abzdafab on Twitter) is a feminist who is editor of the website Fem 2.0, and her expression of anti-male prejudice is an excellent example of why Americans generally loathe feminism. […]

Feminism 2017: @Rose_Resistance — Communist Lesbians Against America

    Erika Heidewald is a German-born lesbian feminist and Democrat Party activist who hates capitalism, Christianity and white males, not necessarily in that order. Before last year’s election, Ms. Heidewald was busy with her immigrant girlfriend Frida on YouTube promoting homosexuality and also, of course, campaigning for Hillary Clinton.       Like other […]

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