The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

South Carolina Debate Aftermath

CHARLESTON, S.C. There is a golf course in the back yard of the mansion where I’m staying here, guest of a prosperous family who are supporters of Curtis Bostic. Whatever mental image is conjured by the phrase “Christian home-schoolers,” it probably doesn’t match this family’s reality: Truly blessed by the Lord, not only with seven […]

Rainy Day D.C. Getaway: Did Kimberlin Send a Photo-Stalker to CPAC Blog Bash?

Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison WASHINGTON, D.C. The piped-in music in this taco shop seems to be set to ’80s punk-pop — currently “Rock This Town” by the Stray Cats — which isn’t an ideal working environment. Of course, I’ve filed from enough bars, McDonald’s and airport terminals […]

FMJRA 2.0: You Belong To The City

— compiled by Wombat-socho Detroit: What Democrats Do The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative First Street Journal The Classic Liberal First Street Journal Animal Magnetism Rick’s Rants Truth in Humor: Ashley Judd Edition The Daley Gator First Street Journal Daily Pundit Da Tech Guy A View From The Beach Rule 5 Sunday: This Time It’s […]

‘Clean-Up on Aisle Nine!’

Am I a good judge of what is or is not offensive? Usually, and at times I am quite deliberately offensive. National Offend a Feminist Week each May is an annual occasion (always the week leading up to Mother’s Day, because if there’s anything feminists hate, it’s motherhood). However, just because there’s one special week doesn’t prevent […]

FMJRA 2.0: Shout

— compiled by Wombat-socho Congressman @SteveStockmanUS Exposes Obama’s Anti-Gun Spambots Grumpy Opinions Animal Magnetism The Camp of the Saints The Foundry YouViewed Texas Conservative News Expose The Media By Any Means Necessary The Daley Gator Instapundit America Victorious The Rio Norte Line Daily Pundit Rick’s Rants A View From The Beach Hey, Nice Try With […]

FMJRA 2.0: Heavenly City

— compiled by Wombat-socho Ratings-Killer @Soledad_OBrien Fired by Obscure Third-Place Cable News Network Daily Pundit Ed Driscoll New Republic Of Texas Politifreak Tony Johnson The Con Mom Senator Rand Paul Lays It Down Like Every Republican Should The Camp of the Saints Legal Insurrection Da Tech Guy Daily Pundit The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative […]

Progressive Tax-Exempt Group’s Secret Plan to ‘Eviscerate,’ ‘Cripple’ GOP

Blueprint NC is “a nonprofit that coordinates the activities of liberal-leaning nonprofits” in North Carolina and when this 501(c) group’s communications director Stephanie Bass forwarded a strategy memo to member organizations, she included a disclaimer: “CONFIDENTIAL to Blueprint, so please be careful — share with your boards and appropriate staff, but not the whole world.” Oops. The memo […]

It’s Internet Crazy Day: Special Ironic Menendez ‘Healthy Youth’ Edition

Historians will perhaps remember Feb. 22, 2013, as the Day the Internet Finally Went Completely Bugfucking Nuts. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) February 22, 2013 OK, I spent most of this morning exchanging e-mails with various suffering victims of the Butt-Hurt Epidemic that is laying waste to the online world today. If anybody has personal […]

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