The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Consulting the Legal Department

My previous observation that no one could be sued for libel for merely describing the self-evident fact of Bill Schmalfeldt’s derangment drew a mildly critical e-mail from a lawyer friend: Not to be a pedant, but the reason it’s not defamatory is that it’s a statement of opinion based on disclosed facts, and therefore not […]

Kooky Tuesday Continues: Is Social Media Breeding Monsters? Oh, Hell, Yes!

Having begun the day with a post about deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt, followed up with a post about a maniac professor at Columbia University, and then added a discussion of the (allegedly) felonious kook Barrett Brown, let’s stick with the theme, eh? In a post at’s new group-blog thingie, Mandy Nagy asks “Is Social […]


— compiled by Wombat-socho Media Embargo Slowly Crumbling on Jennifer McKenna Morbelli’s Death Jill Stanek The Con Mom PJ Tatler Protein Wisdom Foundation Life Conservative Daily News Legal Insurrection Rick’s Rants Stormfront for Liberals: The New Republic Daily Pundit Instapundit Hogewash Transterrestrial Musings Ed Driscoll The Daley Gator Dyspepsia Generation Hillbilly News CNN Anchor Deb […]

News Flash: Crazy People Are Dangerous

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” Aaron Walker discussed the most recent evidence that Bill Schmalfeldt is a deranged sadistic sociopath, as if more evidence were necessary. But I think people are taking too lightly the menace to public safety posed by this swarm of obsessive Internet cyberstalkers whose persistent harassment has […]

Furnishing Your Tidy Little Mind

Just wrote a long e-mail to a friend who, in reaction to last night’s 3,000-word rant about the nature of mental illness, described some of the emotional issues experienced by relatives of those usually non-emotive people with Asperger’s syndrome. Depending on the severity of the affliction, what happens in such cases is that people who […]

FMJRA 2.0: I Can’t Stay Long

— compiled by Wombat-socho Accuse the Accusers: @scrowder Gets the Left’s ‘Plate Glass Window’ Treatment Jackie Wellfonder PJ Tatler Hogewash Legal Insurrection Nice Deb Transterrestrial Musings Hot Air Notion Tidbits Animus Turbare Andrew J. Patrick U.S. Messageboard The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Lower The Boom American Glob Conservative Top Ten Hot Air Animus Turbare […]

‘At a Time of My Choosing’

Patterico has a few careful words about the constant harassment: Threats just give me something new to talk about. At a time of my choosing. Do you folks understand that yet? You’ve tried to intimidate and threaten me for over two years now. No letter to my boss will stop me. No threat will stop […]

They’re Still Hating Breitbart

After screaming into the phone in frustration, I caught my breath and calmed down, finally paraphrasing scripture: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Never mind to whom I was talking or what the original subject of my rant was, the bottom line is something some of us have been saying for months: “Damn, […]

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