The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Headline Round-Up: Snowden Flees

@richard_mcenroe Leftists vs. David Gregory? Kinda like Hitler vs. Stalin, really. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) June 23, 2013 Working on some stuff today while coping with a caffeine deficiency, but my first task today was the latest in the Ed Snowden story: Charged by U.S. authorities with espionage, former National Security Agency contractor […]

FMJRA 2.0: Starface

— compiled by Wombat-socho Imaginary ‘Rights’ You Don’t Have, You Sad and Disgusting Troll, Bill Schmalfeldt Lower The Boom Hogewash The Conservatory Rick’s Rants EBL FMJRA 2.0: The Planets The Pirate’s Cove Rick’s Rants NSA and the Ethos of the Geek Elite That Mr. G Guy World’s Youngest Blogger: Is There Fruit At The Bottom […]

FMJRA 2.0: The Planets

— compiled by Wombat-socho She Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science That Mr. G Guy Hogewash Da Tech Guy Common Sense Junction The Political Hat The Conservatory Conservative Hideout Da Tech Guy A View From The Beach Edward Snowden’s Dubious Heroism Da Tech Guy The Conservatory AmSpecBlog Lowering The Boom The Camp of the Saints The Classic […]

Hoge’s Victory Lap

After his stunning courtroom triumph today over the atrocious troll Bill Schmalfeldt, John Hoge recounts at length exactly what kind of atrocious troll Bill Schmalfeldt is: On 14 February, I received 40 tweets in less than one hour from @BreitbartUnmask ranting about Lee Stranahan, Aaron Walker, and me. Just after midnight on 15 February, I […]

Gary Herndon: ‘Model Citizen’

Readers will recall that the attorney for accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt called her client a “model citizen.” And readers may also recall the evidence that the term “model citizen” apparently has a very flexible definition for “Free Kate” supporters: “Beat her f**king ass, Emily! Beat her ass! Get that bitch!” Bad causes attract bad […]


Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “Kimberlin’s associate Neal Rauhauser recently admitted in a complaint to my office that he introduced [Nadia] Naffe to attorney Jay Leiderman . . . “In the same document, Rauhauser declared that if Naffe is successful, he believes it will put an end to my […]

FMJRA 2.0: Sunday Morning Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Bill Schmalfeldt, Violentacrez, Barrett Brown and the Scourge of ‘Troll Rights’ Hogewash The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Jackie Wellfonder The Daley Gator Ed Driscoll Zilla of the Resistance Da Tech Guy Conservative Animal E-Mail From a Former Maryland Resident to Howard County (Md.) State’s Attorney Hogewash The Camp of the […]

Harassment Is Not Journalism

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” “If you’re so concerned about your safety, don’t come to Maryland.” — Jim Brewer, Howard County (Md.) Assistant State’s Attorney Bill Schmalfeldt has directed 20+ unsolicited hostile Tweets at me in past 2 hours; he’s now objecting to being called “cyberstalker.” — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) […]

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