The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Immolation For The Lord

— compiled by Wombat-socho Posting was delayed thanks to a glitch in the data extraction thingummy, and because of a subsequent field truncation bug in the file a lot of these links will point to the linkers’ home pages instead of to the actual post where the linkagery took place. Ooh! Another Atheist Sex Scandal? […]

FMJRA 2.0: Mental Door

— compiled by Wombat-socho Whatever Your Problem Is, ‘Vote Democrat’ Is Never the Solution Sentry Journal Lonely Conservative The Universal Spectator Tim Condon Preppers’ Universe EBL A View From The Beach Proof Positive Rick’s Crazed World Given a Hypothetical Choice Between Monica Lewinsky and Sydney Leathers? Flaming Dumbass Regular Right Guy Da Tech Guy The […]

The Game That Homey Does Not Play

Homey says, ‘I don’t think so.’ A friend e-mailed me in reference to Matt Osborne‘s (absurd) claim that the identity of someone calling himself “Watchful Avenger” is a matter crucial to the Brett Kimberlin story. Having never paid any attention to this at all, I replied to the e-mail: It’s ridiculous, of course, for anyone […]

Barrett Brown: Madness Foreshadowed

December, 2010: Barrett Brown explains his ‘informational schematic’ on YouTube. “I wonder to myself: Where do these trolls come from? Where do they live and breed? . . . “Many militants are devoid of an essential ingredient of being human: empathy. . . . “They afford themselves free rein to act out their basest of […]

FMJRA 2.0: Atomic

— compiled by Wombat-socho Who Tipped BuzzFeed About Weiner’s Cyber-Girlfriend Sydney Leathers? Sharing Liberty Instapundit Andrew J. Patrick Lonely Conservative Da Tech Guy The Camp of the Saints EBL BizzyBlog Rick’s Crazed World EBL How Soon Will This Madness Stop? And How Much of a Damn Should I Give? Liberty Unyielding Dustbury Blackmailers Don’t Shoot […]

Project #Groundswell Memo, Number 17: What Conspiracy? Oh, That Conspiracy!

It’s important, when prominent conservatives coordinate messaging, that your project inspire raging paranoid fear on the Left. Everyone whose involvement is not already a matter of public record should be careful neither to confirm nor deny their participation: “Believing they are losing the messaging war with progressives, a group of prominent conservatives in Washington — […]

FMJRA 2.0: As Falls Wichita…

— compiled by Wombat-socho Mega-Dittos, @RushLimbaugh! Credit Where Credit Is Due and More Questions The Camp of the Saints DaleyGator Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Lonely Conservative Zion’s Trumpet Pirate’s Cove Da Tech Guy Maggie’s Notebook The Minority Report Conservatively Speaking The Necropolitan Sentinel Rick’s Crazed World Verdict in Florida, Violence in Oakland, Insanity in Media, Ignorance […]

FMJRA 2.0: Low Sun

— compiled by Wombat-socho #TrayvonGate: How the U.S. Justice Department Abetted a Legal Lynching Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots Regular Right Guy EBL Regular Right Guy They Don’t Fool ME! Daley Gator Proof Positive EBL The Pope Joins ‘Gang of Eight’? Da Tech Guy Zion’s Trumpet Sasshole Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Red Pill Report Lonely Conservative […]

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