The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Going Gets Weird: Alabama Liberal Blogger Arrested on Contempt Charge

Roger Shuler, Shelby County Jail inmate No. 288928 I reported this Friday at The American Spectator: Alabama attorney/blogger Roger Shuler was arrested Thursday in Shelby County and held without bond, charged with two counts of contempt of court in a case that has sparked conspiracy theories pointing the finger of blame at Republican officials, including […]

News of Brett Kimberlin’s RICO Suit Reaches a Certain Bunker in Berlin

This was posted at John Hoge’s Hogewash blog and I don’t know who deserves credit for the production, but it is an excellent summary of the fundamental strategic error in Brett Kimberlin’s latest lawfare: By the way, announced yesterday it met its first fundraising goal of $2,000 to assist the five defendants in the […]

Bullies, Braggarts and Fools

The Brett Kimberlin Fan Club has spent the past several days doing an online Happy Dance about Kimberlin v. the Universe, et al. The laughable falsehood thereof (see the responses by Ken White at Popehat and Patrick Frey at Patterico) doesn’t stop the perjuring bomber’s fanboys from celebrating what they imagine will be the annihilation […]

Neal Rauhauser Uses @CatsRImportant to Discuss a Certain Address in Maryland

Having previously explained how Brett Kimberlin associate Neal Rauhauser took over Melissa Brewer’s @catsrimportant Twitter account, now let’s show you what Neal has been doing with that account: As I have previously explained, I haven’t lived in Maryland for more than a year, for well-known reasons. May 22, 2012: Convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin on [May […]

Neal Rauhauser Uses @CatsRImportant to Spread His Evil Lies as ‘Hard Candy’

Neal Rauhauser at Netroots Nation 2010. “The Mexican Mafia sought and received payments from gangs in Orange County in exchange for freely committing crimes . . . Those who refused were put on lists that often resulted in violent retribution. “Even those who appeared to have significant roles in the gang found themselves in trouble. […]

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short

— compiled by Wombat-socho Cultural Marxism and the (Very Real) Movement to Normalize Pedophilia The DaleyGator The Camp of the Saints Not Good News Conservative Hideout Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots Regular Right Guy Rick’s Crazed World Rule 5 Sunday: Bad Reputation Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Animal Magnetism EBL Batshit Crazy News EBL Proof Positive […]

Yes, the World’s Worst Pro Se Litigant™ Brett Kimberlin Now Suing EVERYBODY

When I first heard the news this morning, my initial reaction was, “You’re kidding me. This has got to be a hoax.” But today at a Maryland courthouse — where Bill Schmalfeldt completely beclowned himself, BTW — the vicious creep actually delivered the news by hand: Convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday […]

The #Shutuppery Files: ‘Twitter Gulag’ #StopRush Crew Joined Team Kimberlin

.@michellemalkin @TwitchyTeam: @subculturestuff is one of the main instigators of the block/spam campaigns against cons. FYI. Vicious woman. — Stacey 'ST' Matthews (@sistertoldjah) April 30, 2012 Remember when North Carolina Democrats were trying to intimidate @LadyLiberty1885 and @sistertoldjah? The headlines: Who’s a ‘Bully,’ @GregFlynn? Democrat Operative Targets North Carolina Mom — The Other McCain #ShutUppery and the Drums […]

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