The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Master Of Puppets

— compiled by Wombat-socho Police Seek Drug Trafficking Network Inside New Mexico Man’s Rectum Batshit Crazy News Bits Blog Dead Citizens Rights Society Lonely Conservative Regular Right Guy The DaleyGator A View From The Beach Rick’s Rants President Blame-Shifter Wants to ‘Pivot’ Away From ObamaCare Debacle Story Truth, Lies, And In Between Dead Citizens Rights […]

Judge Bans Woman From Twitter

How to lose your First Amendment rights: A suburban Philadelphia woman has been banned from using Twitter as part of her sentence for a stalking conviction. Montgomery County Judge William Carpenter barred 34-year-old Sadiyyah Young of Pottstown from tweeting for at least five years. Authorities say Young used derogatory and harassing tweets against people involved […]

FMJRA 2.0: Election Judge’s Blues

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Management regrets the delay, but I think there will be some surprises in this week’s FMJRA… The Liar-in-Chief Dead Citizens Rights Society Da Tech Guy Bits Blog Regular Right Guy First Street Journal EBL Troglopundit Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots Leather Penguin Rick’s Crazed World EBL Totalitarian Means to Totalitarian […]

Things I Have Not Done

I have not defamed Brett Kimberlin. I have not maliciously prosecuted Brett Kimberlin. I have not harassed Brett Kimberlin. I have not stalked Brett Kimberlin. I have not invaded Brett Kimberlin’s privacy. Nor have I conspired to do any of these things to Brett Kimberlin. What I have done is to tell the truth about Brett Kimberlin. Insofar […]

Did Roger Shuler Violate Alabama Law by Impersonating an Attorney as ‘RogerS’?

Portrait of a Kook: Roger Shuler On Oct. 24, Patterico called attention to a commenter using the name “RogerS” at, a site rather notorious for attacking enemies of Brett Kimberlin and Neal Rauhauser. Conspiracy theorists won’t believe it was just a coincidence that, the day before Patterico published that post, authorities in Shelby County, […]

Does @FromaHarrop Know About Neal?

An interesting commentary by a veteran columnist: As Twitter prepares to issue company stock to the public, investors are trying to size up its future in the social media universe. The microblogging site has a critical flaw anchoring its prospects. Unlike Facebook — which requires members to submit their real names and email addresses when […]

Roger Shuler: Another Kook Succumbs to ‘Investigative Blogger Syndrome’

Portrait of a Kook: Roger Shuler “Shuler has not shown that any clearly established right has been violated. His only alleged evidence is a recorded phone call that he says supports the notion that he was terminated because of the political content of his blog. However, Shuler’s own transcript of the phone call shows only […]

FMJRA 2.0: Floating

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Rubycon BlurBrain Blackmailers Don’t Shoot The DaleyGator Regular Right Guy EBL Animal Magnetism EBL Proof Positive Rick’s Crazed World Police State: Feds Raid Investigative Reporter @AudreyHudson, Seize Notes New Media Radio Regular Right Guy Lonely Conservative Bits Blog The DaleyGator A View From The Beach EBL Rick’s Crazed […]

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