The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

An Interesting Admission: The Lies of Team Kimberlin and ‘The Gaped Crusader’

“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. . . . He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that […]

FMJRA 2.0: Cold Rock The Mike

— compiled by Wombat-socho Pure Evil: Sherrod Sues Susie Breitbart; Wickedness in the Age of Dishonor Jennifer Credit Hogewash Regular Right Guy The Lonely Conservative The DaleyGator Jennifer Credit Da Tech Guy New Media Radio Rule 5 Sunday: Birthday Week Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Proof Positive Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Animal Magnetism A Conservative Lesbian 90 Miles […]

The Sex Charge Against Brett Kimberlin @NealRauhauser Wanted You to See

Click here or click the image to see the complete document: Brett Kimberlin’s estranged wife filed those charges on July 29, and I reported the charges she filed. The charges were subsequently dropped, for reasons unclear to me, but Brett Kimberlin has sued me and four others, claiming he is a victim of “malicious prosecution, […]

Busy Day on the Kook Beat

When you specialize in writing about criminals, perverts, weirdos and kooks, sometimes it’s hard to keep them all sorted out. My Twitter timeline and e-mail inbox fill up with tips, from all over. Here’s the World’s Most Famous Sex Offender Kaitlyn Hunt talking about the nude photos and masturbation video she sent her underage victim: […]

Pure Evil: Sherrod Sues Susie Breitbart; Wickedness in the Age of Dishonor

Out of the pages of Dickens, shameful lawyers from @Kirkland_Ellis sue @AndrewBreitbart's widow with four children. — Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) October 9, 2013 As if to demonstrate the deliberate cruelty of “lawfare,” former federal official Shirley Sherrod, who filed a meritless lawsuit against Andrew Breitbart, is continuing her vindictive litigation even after his death […]

Exhibit A: ‘Team Kimberlin’

“Robert Stacy McCain never acknowledges errors or mistakes. For example, in May of 2012 he claimed to have left his home in Maryland for fear of Brett Kimberlin. But this week, Kimberlin’s process server found him at the same address where he lived last May.” — “Xenophon,”, Sept. 20, 2013 As I explained yesterday, […]

FMJRA 2.0: Woke Up This Morning

— compiled by Wombat-socho ‘Isolated Incident’ in D.C. Today UPDATE: Connecticut Woman ‘Had a History of Mental Health Issues’ The Lonely Conservative Lowering The Boom The DaleyGator Batshit Crazy News Bits Blog Lowering The Boom EBL Rule 5 Sunday: Stardancer Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Regular Right Guy Animal Magnetism 90 Miles From Tyranny Proof Positive EBL […]

FMJRA 2.0: Stripped

— compiled by Wombat-socho U.S. Judge Richard W. Roberts Expresses Political Sympathy With Gay Terrorist Andrew J. Patrick Regular Right Guy First Street Journal Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots Regular Right Guy When ‘Shutuppery’ Fails NC Renegade ‘It Matters How You Say It’: Democrat Wishes Painful Death on Children A View From The Beach Mrs. […]

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