The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What, If Anything, Does the @MikeElk Meltdown Prove About the Left?

Smear the target. When they respond, accuse them of racism or cyberbullying @betsyscribeindc w/ the story — Eli Lake (@EliLake) December 9, 2013 Do you really care about a personal feud between Mike Elk (a labor reporter for the progressive journal In These Times) and Eli Lake (a national security reporter for The Daily […]

FMJRA 2.0: Drivin’

— compiled by Wombat-socho ‘Unspeakable Atrocities’ The DaleyGator The Camp of the Saints The Rio Norte Line AngryId The Camp of the Saints EBL Something Fishy Zion’s Trumpet Conservative Hideout Zion’s Trumpet Regular Right Guy The Camp of the Saints EBL Obama’s Underpants Gnome Economy Blackmailers Don’t Shoot The DaleyGator Regular Right Guy Preppers Universe […]

Grabbing the Other End of the Rope

Rush Limbaugh occasionally says, “I don’t need ‘balance.’ I am balance.” That is to say, when all the major institutions of politics, media and culture are dominated by liberalism, the conservative who aims to critique and counterbalance the regnant ethos need not concern himself too much with presenting The Other Side of the Story. As […]

FMJRA 2.0: Riding With The King

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Crisis of the Obama Cult The DaleyGator The DaleyGator Da Tech Guy Batshit Crazy News Dead Citizens Rights Society Preppers Universe Regular Right Guy Weird NY Times Column: Not Supporting ObamaCare Is Slavery or Something The DaleyGator Lonely Conservative Preppers Universe Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots A View From The […]

FMJRA 2.0: Cathedral Oceans

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Monday: Palate Cleanser American Political Blogs Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Dead Citizens Rights Society Proof Positive Rick’s Rants EBL 90 Miles From Tyranny EBL English Professor to GOP Congressman: ‘Motherf**ker … Evil … F**k You’ Batshit Crazy News Blackmailers Don’t Shoot Dead Citizens Rights Society Dead Republican Party Regular Right […]

Also, Troll, You Misspelled ‘Syphilis’

Between 5:21 and 5:23 p.m. ET, someone using my name and the bogus e-mail address “” posted four insulting comments on an earlier thread, one of which mentioned my 14-year-old son by name. Wombat whacked them with the troll hammer, but not before the IP address ( was traced to a proxy server in Amsterdam, […]

Kook Update: Roger Shuler

Crazy people like Roger Shuler have rights, even in Alabama. You may or may not remember Bill Schmalfeldt’s personal hero, Alabama crazy-blogger Roger Shuler, who got locked up last month for contempt of court after publishing unsubstantiated defamation against evil Republicans who (in Roger’s delusional mind) are conspiring with Karl Rove to silence courageous truth-teller […]

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short

— compiled by Wombat-socho ObamaCare Lie = ‘Incorrect Promise’ Dead Citizens Rights Society Lonely Conservative Regular Right Guy The DaleyGator GayPatriot First Street Journal Rick’s Rants EBL EBL Lena Dunham and the Politics of Vagina Dead Citizens Rights Society Jaskology Law Of Markets The DaleyGator Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots MGTOW Forums Rick’s Rants EBL […]

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