The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Victims of the Id: There But for the Grace of God Go … Hey, Maybe You, Not Me!

‘I should be telling you good girls don’t . . .’ “I took a fast right on Russell, then a left onto Maryland Parkway . . . and suddenly I was cruising in warm anonymity past the campus of the University of Las Vegas . . .  no tension on these faces; I stopped at […]

Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger: HATER! | @wgstweets @blnd_n_dngrus @DBT816 — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) August 31, 2013 Few are willing to admit the truth, namely that our cultural elite have abandoned the truth — but that is putting it too mildly. Our cultural elite, of which the editors of the Washington […]

FMJRA 2.0: Sunday Edition

— compiled by Wombat-socho Shocking: #FreeKate’s Father Conspires to Shut Down This Blog: ‘Media Blackout’ Lonely Conservative Instapundit That Mr. G Guy PJ Tatler Da Tech Guy Lowering The Boom Lake Erie Conservative The Pink Flamingo Regular Right Guy Batshit Crazy News The Blog Of Dude Da Tech Guy EBL Rick’s Crazed World Another God-Hating […]

Family Terrorized as Michigan Teachers Support Colleague Who Molested Boy

Former middle-school teacher Neal Erickson, 38, pleaded guilty in May to having sex with a boy beginning in 2006 — when the boy was a 14-year-old eighth-grader — until 2009. His fellow teachers in Ogemaw County, Michigan, supported Erickson, writing letters to the judge asking for a lenient sentence. Any parent would be horrified by […]

Mama: #FreeKate Is Being Treated Like a Real Criminal at Indian River County Jail!

Kaitlyn Hunt: She’s in real jail, like a real criminal. Support Honesty remarked on Twitter that Kelley Hunt Smith seems shocked that her precious little pervert “was not placed in the special Privileged Pretty White Girl Jail for Internet Superstars”: Simple question for Kelley Hunt Smith: WHY DO YOU THINK THEY CALL IT ‘JAILBAIT’? Notice […]

Reminder: #FreeKate’s Father ‘Pressured a Victim Not to File a Battery Charge’

The father of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt is a disgraced ex-cop, who lost his police job ten years ago: May 21, 2004 — WEST MELBOURNE, Fla. – A police officer involved in a nightclub quarrel resigned after an internal affairs review showed he pressured a victim not to file a battery charge, officials said Thursday. […]

Shocking: #FreeKate’s Father Conspires to Shut Down This Blog: ‘Media Blackout’

Steven Hunt, arrested for fraud, April 22, 2012 “Never tell a lie, nor take what is not your own, nor sue anybody for slander, assault and battery. Always settle them cases yourself.” — Andrew Jackson, recalling his mother’s advice Every decent, law-abiding citizen of Indian River County despises the Hunt family, a vile pack of […]

Shocking Claim: #FreeKate’s Mother Is ‘Cool Mom,’ in the Very Worst Way

Kaitlyn Smith with her parents on NBC’s ‘Today’ show, May 23 The following anonymous comment, on a CBS story about the Kaitlyn Hunt case, was left by someone claiming to be an acquaintance: The comment transcribed: Sadly I blame her mother, Kelley. Someone I know personally. Many years ago I knew something like this would […]

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