The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Media Covers for #FreeKate While Her Supporters Attack the Victim’s Parents

Jailbait Kate: Her crazy supporters will do anything for her. This CNN story about the Kaitlyn Hunt case doesn’t mention that the age of consent is 16 in Florida until the 13th paragraph: Gay Florida teen Kaitlyn Hunt sent back to jail over explicit texts, images The headline conveys a misleading impression of the case, […]

More #FreeKate Arguments: Want to Let Heather Wirth-Dalager Babysit Your Kids?

Kaitlyn Hunt’s got a fever, and jailbait poontang is the only cure! That’s really the core of the “Free Kate” argument and, again, if you watched yesterday’s hearing where Kate’s bail was revoked, you understand this argument carries no weight in Florida courts. Kaitlyn Hunt is guilty and belongs in jail, and the fact that […]

Poster for #FreeKate Movie: Revealed!

OK, that was probably mean. I denounce myself. Here’s an excerpt from my report on today’s hearing that sent Kaitlyn Hunt to jail: Accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt will remain jailed in Florida until she goes to trial after a judge declared the evidence “overwhelming” she had violated court orders not to have contact with […]

Is Obstruction of Justice, Like Dildo Sex With 14-Year-Olds, ‘Healthy and Normal’?

Kaitlyn Hunt’s family says she’s a victim of homophobia. “They are teenagers in high school experimenting with their sexuality, all teens do it in one form or another. They are teens, it’s healthy and normal.” — Kelley Hunt Smith (Kaitlyn Hunt’s mother), May 17 “The facts as we understand them suggest that the state is […]

Florida: The Rape State

Why does accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt think she has a “right” to have sex with 14-year-olds? Perhaps because she lives in Florida, where some officials seem to think enforcing the law is optional, and dangerous sex offenders are released to rape again: 594 sex offenders were convicted of new sex crimes after being reviewed […]

You’re Accused: ‘Vengeance, Spite, Fear, Denial, Sadness, Insecurity, Whatever’

‘LGBT Injustice’? Kaitlyn Hunt (center), her mother Kelley Hunt Smith (left) and attorney Julia Graves (right) appear on MSNBC, May 22. Did you ever read what I wrote about the gay-rights movement in 2008? There is an inherent problem in the language of “rights.” Once you adopt such rhetoric in a democratic polity, your purpose […]

FMJRA 2.0: Totem

— compiled by Wombat-socho Why Does Lesbian @SaraAlcid Want to Help More Women Kill Their Babies? Badger Pundit The Rio Norte Line Regular Right Guy The Camp of the Saints Dead Republican Party Zion’s Trumpet EBL Rick’s Crazed World Our Moral Superiors So Seldom Condescend to Address Us Directly Badger Pundit Daily Pundit The Rio […]

Listen: McCain and Akbar Speak on #FreeKate, Michael Hastings, Barrett Brown, the NSA and Power… Staff   Our very own Robert Stacy McCain joined @Ali for another podcast just last evening. On this episode, they discussed the hearing that is scheduled for Tuesday where it will decided whether or not Kaitlyn Hunt violated the conditions of her bond, journalist Michael Hastings not-so-mysterious death, Barrett Brown’s meltdown, the Washington Post […]

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