The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Tumblr: Don’t Even Ask

  Ashley is @sailor_P00N on Twitter, where she advertises herself as “BIG GAY HATE MACHINE . . . I’m the feminist Rush warned you about.” She has piercings in her right nostril and the middle of her upper lip. She shaves the sides of her head, she wears dramatic eye makeup, and she is obese. […]

Communist Professor’s Daughter Is a ‘Lesbian Feminist Witch’ on Tumblr

UPDATE JULY 14: Feminist Deletes Tumblr Blog That Accused Her Father of Incestuous Abuse. * * * Feminist Tumblr is one of the strangest places on the Internet, a sort of online asylum where deranged women spew angry gibberish in what sometimes seems to be an organized effort to confirm the very worst stereotypes about […]

Jay Laze Gets a Lesson in Rhetoric (Or, How NOT to Debate a Feminist)

In 2013, Virginia Beach pizzeria owner Jay Laze gained notoriety by offering a 15 percent discount to customers who were exercising their Second Amendment rights. On his Facebook page last week, Laze commented on an article about an incident in Vietnam, where a water park offered free admission, leading to a mob scene in which “thousands” […]

Feminist Tumblr: It’s Not As If They Hate Men or Anything Like That

The fascinating thing about Feminist Tumblr is that it’s totally unfiltered. Nearly all of the participants are very young — a 25-year-old is a senior citizen on Tumblr — and also anonymous. There’s no adult supervision (your mother is not on Tumblr) and inside this feminist echo chamber, everything inside their zany brains comes pouring […]

Feminist Tumblr: Dreaming of Their Journey Across the Mytilini Strait

  Life is painful for the Tumblr feminist. Alone with her laptop, everything she encounters in her online existence tells her that males are stupid, dangerous and violent. Emotionally immersed in an estrogen-filled echo chamber of Internet activism, she finds feminists eager to offer sisterhood and solidarity — “You are not alone!” — along with […]

Feminist Tumblr: Still Crazy

Because I’ve been busy the past week reading Women’s Studies textbooks (including Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions), I haven’t updated you on Lilly the Human Train Wreck. She is the mentally ill feminist Tumblr blogger who filed a federal complaint against her university, which forced her into an alcohol counseling program after she accused a fellow […]

Feminist Tumblr: Human Train Wreck Offers Online ‘Support’ to ‘Survivors’

Maybe somebody should start a Tumblr blog called “Getting S**tfaced Drunk at College Parties Is Probably a Bad Idea,” because that’s the kind of advice Lilly at “Survivor Support” needed before she went to college. However, such advice is what we call “common sense,” and Lilly calls herself a feminist, so what’s the use? Feminists hate […]

The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Fat Lesbians vs. the ‘Heteronormative Gaze’

Does the “fat acceptance” movement “destabilize the heteronormative gaze”? Can women overcome “gender inequality” by a “radical rejection of beauty as feminine aspiration”? Those possibilities are suggested by two Canadian sociologists in an article, included in a leading Women’s Studies textbook, that compared Dove’s “Real Beauty” advertising campaign to a protest by lesbian activists in […]

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