The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Logic: Shut Up, Haters

Did you know @KateSpencer has “self-inflicted body shame”? Yeah, your first thought is probably: Kate Who? But before we answer that question, let’s talk about her body shame: Because I am thirty-three years old [she wrote in 2013], and I am still not comfortable in my own body. I haven’t been since I was eight […]

The ‘Bisexual’ Feminist Mind

Shira Glassman is a “queer Jewish feminist author” or “a bisexual Jewish violinist” who lives with “her agender same-sex spouse.” However, she is not — definitely not — a lesbian: I mean, in the real world, lesbians are attracted exclusively to women, bi women are attracted to multiple genders, and straight women are attracted to men. […]

The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Academia and the Means of Production

@SarahNAhmed a/k/a “feminist killjoys.” Sara Ahmed is a lesbian and a feminist, not necessarily in that order. There is always a chicken-and-the-egg question about such matters. Correlation is not causation, but this particular correlation is sufficiently common as to be a phenomenon deserving its own categorical label, as Professor Ahmed acknowledges. “Last week,” Professor Ahmed […]

Advanced Feminist Logic™

Some will say that it is an oxymoron to speak of feminist logic, but after many months of careful study, I have mastered the basics: 1. Do you have a vagina? 2. Vote Democrat! This is the simplest understanding of feminism, i.e., whatever arguments are necessary to persuade unhappy women that voting Democrat is the […]

Do You Want to Be a ‘Male Feminist’?

“Feminism is organized insanity. Why be merely crazy, when you can turn your mental illness into a political movement?” — Robert Stacy McCain, Jan. 29 If there is anything feminists hate more than Christianity, heterosexuality, America and capitalism, it’s a “male feminist.” The quotation marks are required because “male feminist” is an oxymoron, a contradiction […]

Feminist Problems

Note how @TracyClarkFlory twists the knife here: A vibrator is not a substitute for a partner. But how do you tell men that? We see here a classic example of feminism as psychological projection. Never mind the pathetic fate of women so desperately lonely that the only boyfriends they can get require batteries. No, this story has to be […]

Sex Trouble: Yes, Feminists DO ‘Practice Witchcraft … and Become Lesbians’

“[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” — Pat Robertson, 1992 Today the first edition of my book Sex Trouble: Essays on Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature is available for purchase from Amazon — just […]

Obviously, You Need More Feminist Lectures From Miriam Mogilevsky

Last week I remarked: The cult of “consciousness raising” . . . means that every college sophomore who has taken a couple of Women’s Studies classes believes she possesses a moral and intellectual superiority that qualifies her to tutor us about how women are oppressed by the patriarchy. This attitude of arrogant condescension, this presumption […]

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