The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Aggressive Heterosexuality’

“A great part of the feminist agenda is protesting rape culture. . . . By raising awareness and educating people on the way rape culture manifests itself, feminists seek to eradicate the cultural bias so the legal path will be easier, and make the legal path easier so to eradicate cultural bias.” — Ann Weisgerber, […]

‘Anti-Feminists … Are F–king Evil. They’re Such Disgusting Human Beings’

        Her Tumblr blog announces: “I’m Rain. black. bi. woman. witch. vegan.. learning about radical feminism one step at a time.” She launched her YouTube channel in December, calling herself “Rain Lawless.” The quote in the headline is from a video she posted last month (“Scattered Thoughts About Anti Feminists And Anti […]

‘She Told Me Her Teacher Was Molesting Her,’ Says Mother of Teenage Victim

Camryn Zelinger molested a 14-year-old girl, police say. Disturbing news from California: The mother of a 14-year-old girl who was allegedly molested by a former teacher at a performing arts high school in California is speaking out. “I’m a nosy mother, and I grabbed her phone, and I looked at texts from this teacher, sexting […]

You Say You Want a Revolution

  Why did the anarchist “black bloc” riot at Berkeley? Because students are learning what their teachers are teaching them: The major student-run paper of UC Berkeley ran five op-eds Tuesday defending the riots on campus, and arguing that violence was an acceptable response to a speech from Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos. The Daily Californian […]

The #WomensMarch: Why Trump Won

        Does that look like a mainstream political movement to you? Ugly women holding up ugly signs expressing ugly sentiments — the #WomensMarch to protest Donald Trump’s presidency is perhaps the clearest explanation of why Donald Trump is president. The all-out feminist crusade mounted on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign reminded […]

Astrology and ‘Heteropatriarchy’: Two Things That Don’t Explain Your Problems

  “Mercury in retrograde” — as soon as you hear someone offer this as an explanation for something, back away slowly and quietly. You’re dealing with a dangerous kook, and sudden movements might set them off. “Mercury in retrograde” is a dye-marker of belief in astrology, and you don’t want to be in the proximity […]

Why the Blame Game Doesn’t Work

  Dalrock had an excellent discussion of a “reflexive tendency to denigrate men” as responsible for the decline of marriage, an attitude he says “comes not from a sincere fear of a shortage of good men, but from a sense of extreme and everlasting abundance.” In other words, we have a natural tendency to believe […]

Dear @HallieLieberman …

  The headline on your Inside Higher Education column made me laugh. Teaching Gender Studies to Straight Men Bwahahhaha! This involves three things that all academic feminists are against: Men; Gender; and Heterosexuality. What is fascinating to me, after more than two years of in-depth research into modern feminism, is the arrogance of feminists in […]

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