The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist ‘Comes Out’ and Nobody Cares

Charlotte Morabito is a Women’s Studies major and a queer feminist, but I repeat myself. She got her degree — actually a double major in Journalism and Media Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies — last year from Rutgers University, and now works for MSNBC. Did I mention Charlotte Morabito is fat? Because her fatness […]

In The Mailbox: 09.06.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Why Does The Media Keep Lying About Houston Development And Flooding? Michelle Malkin: There Is No Such Thing As A “Deserving DREAMer” Twitchy: Illegal Immigrant Shows Off Doctored Social Security Card He’s Used To Pay Thousands In Taxes Louder With Crowder: Jimmy Kimmel Freakout – “Trump Dismantled […]

Fat Feminism and the War on Sanity

  Kaye Toal (@ohkayewhatever on Twitter) is a “creative producer” at BuzzFeed who has strange hair, lives in Brooklyn and hates Republicans. Her career as a human cliché began years ago when she started a blog on Tumblr — did I mention she’s a cliché? — called “Big Fat Feminist.” At the time, Ms. Toal […]

Crazy Is a Pre-Existing Condition

[ IMAGE DELETED ] ‘Trans non-binary queer’ Aryn Maitland In January 2014, when I first wrote about the controversy between radical feminists and transgender activists, it seemed to me a bad joke. “The Competitive Victimhood Derby,” I called it — two rival tribes of left-wing nutjobs vying for the coveted Most Oppressed Award. Subsequent research, […]

Transgender Satanic Porn Performer @ZJemptv Offers SJW Dating Advice

  Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy,” a/k/a “Lauren McNamara” is a transgender activist and Internet pornographer who has a verified “blue check” Twitter account, @ZJemptv. Rather than getting any further into the weird biography of Antolak/“Jones” now, I’ll just call attention to his/“her” unusual tattoo of a Satanic pentagram inside a transgender […]

Self-Hatred and Transgender Suicide

Jane Georgia, a/k/a “Jay Griffin.” Not long ago, my friend Cynthia Yockey and I were discussing the transgender cult when she rather casually said something that struck me as profound: Transgenderism is a sort of suicide, involving the destruction of a hated self. She just threw that idea out in the midst of our phone […]

Totalitarian Mobs Continue to Silence Dissent on University Campuses

  The dangerous totalitarian thugs — it would be wrong to call them “students” — who attend Claremont McKenna College prevented anyone from entering the venue where author Heather Mac Donald gave a presentation last week about her book The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe. […]

Trigger Warning: @SkyJordan4 Says You Can’t Tell Her She Has ‘Daddy Issues’

  Sky Jordan is the “Sex and Relationships” columnist for the State Press, the student newspaper at Arizona State University, where she is a junior majoring in business communications. Like all aspiring journalists nowadays, Ms. Jordan is committed to eradicating First Amendment rights, by prohibiting people from saying things she doesn’t like: There seems to […]

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