The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the Long Shadow of the ‘Lavender Menace’

“The supersensitivity of the [Women’s Liberation] movement to the lesbian issue, and the existence of a few militant lesbians within the movement, once prompted [NOW founder Betty] Friedan herself to grouse about ‘the lavender menace’ that was threatening to warp the image of women’s rights.” — Susan Brownmiller, New York Times, March 15, 1970 (quoted […]

Internet ‘Porn Diva,’ 19, Arrested for Bisexual Video Orgy With Girls 12, 13, 14

The police affidavit in this case is astonishing: Bianca Byndloss, 19, and her co-defendants Christian Hernandez, 19, and Brian Yanes, 18, engaged in a May 25 orgy with three girls ages 12, 13 and 14. All are charged with multiple felonies and it looks like an open-and-shut case because all three suspects and also the […]

‘Homo-Maniacal’ Cyberstalking

Jeanette Runyon (@No1Important00) is a name that should be familiar to our regular readers. During the weeks when the Kaitlyn Hunt case was the subject of in-depth coverage here, Jeanette distinguished herself in keeping tabs on the “Free Kate” movement, which embraced the lesbian sex offender as a victim of homophobia (see, “Kaitlyn Hunt Is […]

Fugitive Florida Sex Offender Flees to Canada, Claims ‘Refugee’ Status

Denise Harvey, 45, molested a 16-year-old Florida boy. Denise Harvey is from Indian River County, the same community that is also home to notorious sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt. Some people may think exiling criminal perverts to Canada would be adequate punishment, but Florida officials want her extradited: Vero Beach fugitive Denise Harvey is claiming refugee status […]

‘The Child Within Me Is Truly Gone … I Hate You, But I Loved You’

Dance teacher Nichol Marie Phelps molested 15-year-old girl. Readers may remember the case of Nichol Marie Phelps, the married 30-year-old dance teacher in Florida who said she would leave her husband for the “hot” 15-year-old student she molested in 2012. Phelps was sentenced to prison last week: Though she’s only 17, the young dancer testified Friday […]

Female Professor Accused of Sexually Molesting Mentally Disabled Man

The intelligentsia are Our Moral Superiors: Tomorrow a court hearing will be held in which it is expected New Jersey Superior Court Judge Siobhan Teare, will decide whether or not more testing is needed to determine whether a 33 year old man who suffers from cerebral palsy, was able to give consent during a long […]

Compulsory Lesbianism?

No, we haven’t reached that point of the “Emerging Awareness” — yet. It is impossible, however, to ignore the radical feminist trajectory: An upcoming LGBTQ seminar at the University of South Carolina Upstate (USCU) will teach students How to Be a Lesbian in 10 Days or Less and will focus on LGBTQ cultural mores. According to the […]

Sexual Equality, Sexual Decadence: The Emerging Menace of Female Predators

Christy Smith had sex with a 15-year-old boy. “A jury has found a former Lancaster County teacher guilty of having sex with a 15-year-old student in 2008. “It took less than an hour for the jury to return with the verdict Wednesday against 35-year-old Christy Smith. “The jury convicted her of four counts including sexual […]

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