The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What #GamerGate Should Teach Us (But @JesseSingal Refuses to Learn)

The world does not divide along neat political lines, but the temptation toward what Julian Sanchez dubbed epistemic closure is one that too many journalists are unable to resist. To approach the news from a perspective of partisanship — “Does this help Our Side?” — is the kind of error that leads to Walter Duranty […]

Don’t Do This, Ever

So-called “sexting” is such a disastrously bad idea that I shouldn’t even have to explain why it’s a bad idea. Here is the thing: The “sexting” participant provides his or her partner with evidence — a permanent digital record of text messages and images — that the partner can then use as he or she […]

Why Facts Matter

“Bad causes attract bad people,” I observed in 2013, when explaining why deranged, dishonest and deviant personalities had been attracted to the “Free Kate” banner, supporting teenage sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt.   Honest, sane, normal people would never associate themselves with such a bad cause, and so bad behavior by Kaitlyn Hunt’s supporters — including death […]

Well, This Happened

Readers may recall @HollyRFisher as the mom whose Facebook image holding a Chick-fil-A iced tea in front of Hobby Lobby made liberals’ heads explode in July 2014. Her stand for religious freedom made her the target of rape threats from “tolerant” liberals, and conservatives responded with the #IStandWithHolly campaign. She was soon appearing on national TV as […]

Emerging Awareness Update II: Can You Guess Who’s Expecting a Baby Now?

Yes, it’s The World’s Most Famous Sex Offender™, the Florida teenager who became a lesbian civil rights hero, Kaitlyn Hunt: A woman who made headlines for having an intimate relationship with an underage girl when they were in high school in 2012 now is 10 weeks pregnant through a sperm donation, her mother said Sunday. […]

‘Erection Equals Consent’?

This is a phrase I never expected to encounter and, when I saw the headline, I misunderstood what the writer meant by it: The flesh is weak: On the Erection Equals Consent rape myth What I expected, based on that headline, was an argument by a feminist “deconstructing” the common claim that men are unable to […]

The Madness of ‘Gender Theory’

Feminists and friends of Amy Austin (@amymarieaustin) have spent the past day-and-a-half chastising me on Twitter for the tone and content of Wednesday’s post, “Feminism Repeats Itself, the First Time as Tragedy, the Second Time as Farce.” It may help to examine the “gender theory” gibberish piled into Ms. Austin’s 995-word screed entitled “Patriarchy and the Problem of Being Born […]

‘I Got Him in a Bloody Puddle for You’: Father Beats Gay Teen Molesting Son

Raymond Frolander is an 18-year-old homosexual who was molesting an 11-year-old boy when the boy’s father caught him: A father who walked in on a man allegedly sexually assaulting his 11-year-old son beat the man to a pulp before calling police to say they could come collect him from a ‘bloody puddle’ on his floor. […]

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