The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Lynn Beisner’ Is a Pseudonym

The first thing you need to know about Lynn Beisner — it’s right there on her profile at The Guardian — is that her name is not Lynn Beisner and thus, whenever she offers personal anecdotes as arguments (as is her habit), the skeptical reader must reply, “Oh, really?” Why this matters, as I’ve explained […]

Why Do Lesbians Love ‘Slut Walk’?

Peter Paul Rubens, Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus (1618) “The SlutWalk movement is about rape in pretty much the same sense Nazism was about the Versailles Treaty — it’s the legitimate grievance that empowers a movement of irrational hatred. We may laugh at the carnival sideshow aspect of women stripping down to their underwear […]

Obsessed? Who, Me?

Honestly, you start talking about this stuff, and readers in the comments call your attention to other related stuff, and it’s really pretty fascinating. But next thing you know you’re down the Rabbit Hole, lost in Wonderland. So I promise that after this post, I’m going to write something about NSA snooping or the IRS […]

FMJRA 2.0: Multi-Family Garage Sale

Pointing Out the Obvious: They Don’t Teach Economics at Harvard Law School Da Tech Guy Haemet That Mr. G Guy Cincinnatus Chili Mimsy Were The Borogoves The Rio Norte Line A World At War BREAKING: Weiner to Resign Fausta’s Blog Don Surber The Camp Of The Saints Da Tech Guy Rhetorican Ironic Surrealism Uncoverage VIDEO: […]

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