The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Satellite

— compiled by Wombat-socho Fear and Loathing of the Penis Batshit Crazy News IOTW Report Regular Right Guy The DaleyGator Cragin Media Spang Nation That Mr. G Guy Living In Anglo-America Rule 5 Sunday: Sick, Lame & Lazy Edition Batshit Crazy News Animal Magnetism That Mr. G Guy Regular Right Guy Proof Positive A View […]

Feminism’s Big Lie

“Radical Feminism is, and has always been a political movement focused on liberating girls and women, those who are born into the sex caste female, from the unnatural, yet universal roles patriarchy has assigned.” —, July 26, 2014 “Women who are sane, normal and happy do not become feminists, because such women do not […]

Feminism: Equality in Misery

Miriam Mogilevsky (@sondosia) is allegedly a human being, although manifestly lacking in empathy and filled with a hateful appetite for sadistic revenge, which is to say she is a feminist. Her numerous efforts to destroy civilization include her advocacy of atheism, because those who hate humanity usually begin by hating God. She developed advanced skills in intellectual […]

As Real as Rape: How Bad Journalism Advances Feminism’s Anti-Male Agenda

“Campus activism about rape provides a means of disseminating the core message of feminist ideology, i.e., that men are evil and dangerous and that male sexuality is inherently violent and oppressive to women.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Aug. 10, 2014 Glenn Reynolds demolished the phony “college rape epidemic” meme in his USA Today column Monday, […]

‘I Suffer From Oppression’

So says @JaclynArcher in a column for Eastern Washington University’s student newspaper, The Easterner: What is oppression? According to the Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology “Social oppression is a concept that describes a relationship between groups or categories . . . of people in which a dominant group benefits from the systematic abuse, exploitation, and injustice […]

Sudden Onset Lesbian Syndrome

“Men who rule, and male leftists who seek to rule, try to depoliticize sex . . . in order to prevent us from acting to end our oppression and challenging their power. As the question of homosexuality has become public, reformists define it as a private question of who you sleep with in order to […]

Feminists Against ‘The Unnatural, Yet Universal Roles Patriarchy Has Assigned’

“We had turned the corner at U Street and were marching up 14th Street when the woman with the megaphone leading SlutWalk DC started a new chant: ‘We love consensual sex! We love consensual sex!’ Well, OK, but who doesn’t? Is there any actual opposition to this agenda? Is there an Anti-Consensual Sex Movement that […]

Did @Nian_Hu ‘Friend-Zone’ You? #FreeStacy: Feminism Is a Death Cult

  Perhaps you remember Harvard feminist Nian Hu, the Harvard student who declared: “I am a feminist. I believe in the equality of the sexes. For me, feminism means freedom,” and that among these freedoms was “freedom to have as many sexual partners as I want without being looked down on.” This inspired me to write […]

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