The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Left’s Make-Believe Victimhood

  Does everyone remember “TrigglyPuff,” the obnoxious feminist who repeatedly disrupted a 2016 event at the University of Massachusetts? While claiming to be a victim of oppression, Cora Segal was attending elite private Hampshire College ($63,512 a year, including room and board) and is, in fact, the daughter of a Harvard professor. Her sole claim […]

‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’

The Internet is a powerful tool, and evil people have learned to exploit it for dangerous purposes. Last year, I became aware of what seems to be a rapidly spreading phenomenon: Teenagers who, after an intense period of online “research,” suddenly decide they’re transgender. There is a sort of online cult — Web sites, Tumblr […]

A Simple Question: Is This True?

“Patriarchy — an enforced belief in male dominance and control — is the ideology and sexism the system that holds it in place. . . . “Homophobia works effectively as a weapon of sexism because it is joined with a powerful arm, heterosexism. Heterosexism creates the climate for homophobia with its assumption that the world […]

Dear @LaurenDuca: Could You Please Define ‘Sexually Active’ More Clearly?

  Dear Ms. Duca: Please pardon the rather unfortunate circumstances of this introduction, but while I was updating my blog readers on the latest lunacy from herpes-infected feminist Emily Depasse, I noticed you had interviewed Ella Dawson, Poster Child for the Feminist Herpes Epidemic. If You’re Sexually Active, Getting Herpes Is Practically Inevitable Well, no, […]

Did Atheist Reddit Save Her Soul?

There was a rather notorious incident in 2011 when a 15-year-old girl using the handle “Lunam” posted the photo above on the Reddit atheism forum, showing a copy of a Carl Sagan book her “super religious mother” bought her for Christmas. This being Reddit during its Wild West heyday — when the infamous troll “Violentacrez” […]

‘Body-Positive’ Feminism

Melinda Parrish is a “plus-size” model and that’s totally cool with me. More cushion for the pushin’, as good old boys down home sometimes say. On the other hand, she is promoting a bogus ideology: Just Say ‘No’ to the Beach Body Craze Your body is perfect, just as it is. You don’t need to […]

What #TrigglyPuff Means

  The phenomenon of #TrigglyPuff — Cora Segal, the angry feminist who disrupted an event at the University of Massachusetts this week — deserves extended analysis, and I’ve got a 4,000-word draft in queue, awaiting the final touches. Spending two days analyzing the social significance of this comedic phenomenon was perhaps too much, but that’s […]

‘In Canada Alone, There Are 66 Gender and Women’s Studies Departments’

The astonishing fact in the headline — the proliferation of what I’ve called The Feminist-Industrial Complex in higher education — is cited by Professor Janice Fiamengo in her 15-minute YouTube video with the provocative title, “Women’s Studies Must Die.” These programs in Canadian universities, she explains, employ hundreds of professors, both full-time and part-time, and […]

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