The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

War Against Human Nature: What Feminists Pay $47,030 a Year to Learn

“Feminism confuses many people who do not understand that the movement has a political philosophy — a theory — and that this theory is fundamentally incompatible with human nature. In fact, feminists do not believe there is such a thing as ‘human nature.’ Instead, they insist, all human behavior (especially including sexual behavior) is ‘socially […]

No, Sir, You Cannot Be a Feminist

Feminists gather in their covens on raddefemme: convincing an anti-feminist man that he’s actually a feminist because he believes in “the equality of the sexes” may seem like a victory, but in the end all you’ve done is convince a woman-hater that he’s a feminist. celtyradfem: This is actually very dangerous. If a man […]

In Which a Grumpy Lesbian Offers Her Feminist Understanding of Men

You know, just once, it would be nice if we heard a married grandmother’s analysis of male psychology, sharing insights from her happy life with her husband, raising sons and daughters, observing their experience of dating and marriage and so forth. Grant that men are always irritated by female criticism — it injures our pride […]

Feminist Foreign Policy

Feminists specialize in promoting misery and insanity in domestic life, but they also occasionally stray into international affairs: Journalist and author Naomi Wolf suggested Saturday that videos of Islamic State militants beheading American and British hostages may have been staged. The news site Vox flagged a series of Facebook posts in which Wolf questioned the […]

Sex Trouble: #DearFeministMen Illustrates a Fundamental Problem

“You can never please a feminist woman. And even feminist women despise men whom they can push around.” — Charlotte Allen “That’s what’s wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.” — Rhett Butler, Gone With the Wind (1939) Let’s begin by explaining something that should be obvious, […]

Why Freedom of Speech Matters (And Why ‘Hate Speech’ Is Protected, Too)

“Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself . . . [Truth] is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict […]

Why Don’t ‘Incels’ Go Gay? (And Other Thoughts on ‘Toxic Masculinity’)

  Let me begin kind of a roundabout discussion of several things by starting with this: One of the odd facts about Texas school shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis was that the 17-year-old wore a heart-shaped bisexual pride pin in one of his Facebook photos. What do we know about him? Two years ago, Pagourtzis had played […]

Tucker Carlson: ‘Something Ominous Is Happening to Men in America’

  If you did not see Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program Wednesday night, you missed a stunningly detailed description of the problems that are affecting men in America: The signs are everywhere. If you’re a middle aged man, you probably know a peer who has killed himself in recent years. At least one. If you’re […]

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