The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Yes, ‘Gender’ Is About Sex

  Melissa Fabello will once again be the subject of my attention in a long post I’ve been writing this week, but her romantic holiday in Paris is something she has not bothered to explain at length, whereas we already have extensive testimony as to her “queer feminist” credentials. “Right now, today, as of writing […]

‘Obsessed With Sex’?

  A stunning incident happened earlier this month at a debate in Toronto over immigration. This debate particularly concerned the flood of Muslim “refugees” that has provoked a crisis in Europe. The proponents on the open-borders side of this debate were Louise Arbour, former UN Human Rights commissioner and Columbia University history professor Simon Schama. […]

The New Thought Crime: ‘Adultism’

Adultism “is running amok in America”: Parents know what’s best for their children? At the risk of tossing tons of other scenarios aside, we LGBTQIA+ kids have heard that last one plenty while trying to grow up while out. Parents say we’re not bi. Or queer. Or a boy. Or non-binary. They give us labels […]

Check Your Monosexual Privilege!

Birds of weird feathers flock together, and when Melissa Fabello decided to engage in a Twitter colloquy with me (of course I mean, not me), she accidentally introduced me to her friend, Australian freelance writer Catherine Bouris, who has degrees from the University of Sydney and UCLA. Tempted as I am to snark about this […]

Amy Schumer Will Tell You What to Think (And You Must Comply)

  What can I say about @AmySchumer? Only what I have said so often before: Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and the kind of “humor” that emerges from a totalitarian death cult is Amy Schumer’s stock in trade. She is the 21st-century heiress to the caustic legacy of Roseanne […]

Transgender Controversy as Gay Group Rescinds Book Award Nomination

  Pressure from transgender activists caused a gay literary organization to rescind its nomination for a former Northwestern University professor’s book, saying it is “inconsistent with . . . affirming LGBTQ lives.” Alice Dreger’s book Galileo’s Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science had been nominated for the 28th annual “Lammie” […]

The Absence of Empathy: Understanding the Psychology of Sociopathic Feminism

Not every narcissist is a sociopath, but all sociopaths are narcissists. Like every other manifestation of identity politics, feminism is ultimately about narcissism, a celebration of selfishness masquerading as “social justice” in which identifying yourself as suffering from oppression serves not only as a rationalization of one’s personal failures, but also as a justification for […]

Feminism: Impossible to Parody

The thing about covering feminism is that craziness piles up so fast that it’s hard to keep up. No sooner do I get through with one wacko — recovering cocaine addict and topless Bernie Sanders supporter Tiernan Hebron — than someone calls my attention to another nutjob. Or two, as in the case of Katherine […]

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