The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

On @DKThomp, Trumpism and the Misunderstood Crisis of White America

  Derek Thompson (@DKThomp on Twitter) is not a stupid knee-jerk liberal, despite “Donald Trump and the Twilight of White America,” an article at The Atlantic that at first glance might seem like yet another knee-jerk liberal smear of the presumptive Republican nominee. “Gleeful-sounding headlines announcing the end of white America may play a role […]

Police: Lesbian Teacher Had Sex in Cemetery, Spent the Night With Teen Girl

  Public education news from rural Minnesota: A fourth-grade teacher and junior varsity athletics coach at Aitkin Public Schools is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old female student. Kristy Lynn Hoge, 24, was charged [May 6] with four counts of felony criminal sexual conduct in Crow Wing County District Court. . . […]

The Myth of the Masculinity Crisis

“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” — Rick Blaine, Casablanca (1942) What passes for a “crisis” in 21st-century America usually reflects the peculiar concerns of pundits with too much time on their hands. Europe is being overrun by Muslims, 183 people have already been […]

Connecticut Outlaws College Sex

“Affirmative consent”: If you’re a college student in Connecticut and want to have consensual sex, you might want to leave the state to do it. The Legislature approved an “affirmative consent” bill Wednesday night that now goes to Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy, a proponent of the idea that sex is rape if one partner does […]

What #TrigglyPuff Means

  The phenomenon of #TrigglyPuff — Cora Segal, the angry feminist who disrupted an event at the University of Massachusetts this week — deserves extended analysis, and I’ve got a 4,000-word draft in queue, awaiting the final touches. Spending two days analyzing the social significance of this comedic phenomenon was perhaps too much, but that’s […]

Feminism Is a Synonym for ‘Shut Up’

A major goal of feminism is to silence opposition. Because their ideology cannot withstand informed and articulate criticism, feminists therefore require a dishonest vocabulary of jargon that functions to disqualify and discredit their opponents. A man expressing disagreement with a feminist will invariably be accused of “sexism” or “misogyny,” and if he persists in his […]

Beware of Sex in the Social Media Age (Because the Internet Is Forever)

  Jason Lee Weight is a young British writer/director who recently began producing an animation series called Sam Sweetmilk and, according to a Tumblr blogger named Rosie, Jason Lee Weight is a rapist: This may be triggering so *TRIGGERWARNING*. It was typed in one sitting, so might be a bit all over the place. For a […]

Words Mean Things (and Why Should We Trust @CharoShane to Tell the Truth?)

  Does that sound right to you? Read it again: “‘High maintenance’ is a great way to make a woman who puts tons of effort into her own life sound like a burden on a man.” What does “high maintenance” mean? This isn’t a phrase I often use, because I got married in 1989 and […]

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